Promote 13cm and 6cm band usage Broadband data –not just narrow band dx/contest segments HAMNET –build network with content Based on Standard hardware Extended IEEE802.11 protocol Interim Meeting Vienna 2019
HAMNET is experimenting Experiment with GHz-Hardware, Antennas, .. Learn about propagation on 2,4 and 5,7 GHz Two main areas: o building, planning, maintaining the back bone link and sites o users that consume services via HAMNET Resulting in spectrum demand Interim Meeting Vienna 2019
HAMNET is spreading HAMNET back bone links use remote repeater sites Interconnect 90% of DMR/C4FM/Dstar-repeaters Internet of Things- HamIoT APRS / LoRa Gateways on HAMNET Youngsters like to experiment with Wifi Interim Meeting Vienna 2019
Applications in HAMNET Websites WX stations und Webcams News broadcast and Podcast in good quality per MUMBLE Voice & Chat via MUMBLE, Pidgin, etc Telephony via SIP (VoIP) Videoconferencing und ATV via TEAMVIEW APRS-Server Packet Radio (BBS & Conference Server) in High Speed Winlink & E-Mail via RMSExpress or POP3 OpenStreetMap servers Interim Meeting Vienna 2019
More Applications Text and Filetransfer via HAMMESSENGER/LanMessenger Web-SDR remote FileServer Upload/Download (Amateurradio software, Modifications) High Speed Data-link for Emcom Exercises DX Cluster Instant Messaging Service based on XMPP Xref D-Star reflector Network for HotSpots (digital voice) Audio link between FM-repeaters (OE1XFW, DL) Access to POCSAG –Pager Net HamBook Interim Meeting Vienna 2019
Thank you presented by Mike Zwingl, OE3MZC Interim Meeting Vienna 2019