Changes to RRS 40 Personal Floatation Devices Session One
Displayed afloat - when does it apply? Reminder of RRS 40 40 PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES When flag Y is displayed with one sound before or with the warning signal, competitors shall wear personal flotation devices, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. When flag Y is displayed ashore, this rule applies at all times while afloat. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Displayed afloat - when does it apply?
Reminder of RRS 40 40 PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES When flag Y is displayed with one sound before or with the warning signal, competitors shall wear personal flotation devices, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. When flag Y is displayed ashore, this rule applies at all times while afloat. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Part 4 rules only apply to boats racing unless the rule states otherwise
Reminder of RRS 40 40 PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES When flag Y is displayed with one sound before or with the warning signal, competitors shall wear personal flotation devices, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. When flag Y is displayed ashore, this rule applies at all times while afloat. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Check you club SIs – have they been updated?
Possible Sailing Instruction x PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES Competitors shall wear personal flotation devices at all times while afloat except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. Flag Y will not be displayed. This changes RRS 40.
Displaying Flag Y afloat Only works if safety equipment carried. RRS 1.2 requires safety equipment to be carried but not specifically PFDs. Some class rules (e.g. RS:X, Day Boats?) change RRS 1.2
When to display Flag Y? Within a class - have a clear policy so it does not change from week to week. Maybe adopt a simple risk ranking grid with a trigger point for Flag Y?