What is EU VOICE? EU VOICE is a European project that supports the integration of Third Country Nationals and promotes the exchanges between them and their host countries through a volunteering experience in public and private cultural Institutions.
DETAILS Who is EU Voice for? How? STAFF WORKING WITH MIGRANTS Training for better promotion of cultural volunteering in a EU perspective VOLUNTEERS Mainly Third Country Nationals and women EUROPEAN STAKEHOLDERS Policy makers in migration and culture topics GENERAL PUBLIC Through media and public meetings
WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, TRAINING FOR CULTURAL VOLUNTEERING Volunteering as a method for social inclusion Promoting EU culture Exchange between Third Country Nationals and locals
VOLUNTEERING IN CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Involving Third Country Nationals and locals in the cultural life of their communities Dialogue, skills development
Contacts – project partners IRELAND Meath Partnership Jennifer Nolan jennifer.nolan@meathpartnership.ie ITALY - Coordinator CESVOT Isabella Belcari isabella.belcari@gmail.com UK Volunteering Matters Piotr Sadowski piotr.sadowski@volunteeringmatters.org.uk ITALY CO & SO Sofia Jobbagy jobbagy@coeso.org AUSTRIA E.N.T.E.R. Dominika Stiger dominika.stiger@enter-network.eu GREECE United Societies of Balkans Yannis Tsilsou yannis.tsilsou@usbngo.gr