LoV-IoT Environmental Monitoring of Air and Water with IoT-technology If you and I would be able to see the air’s pollution levels in our city at any given time and in the area we are in; what would that mean for our own activities and transportation? Or if the city’s water treatment plants can be alerted to polluted storm water as it floods through the systems – what would that mean for their possibilities to contain the spread of pollution? In order to answer those questions we need sensors that are simple, numerous, cheap and easy to install. Something that LoV-IoT will supply. We want to use digitization and democracy to improve the air and water quality in cities, and subsequently improve people’s health.
Regulatory Demands and IoT – one of the most promising tools for achieving the objectives of the Water Framework Directive, PRTR and IED The Water Framework Directive PRTR (The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) IED (Industry Emission Directive) Weser-judgment A strong motivation for using IoT for environmental monitoring are the different regulatory frameworks which cities are required to follow. - The Water Framework Directive requires that water sources should not be affected by construction or infrastructure changes, which means that we must measure both before and after planned activities. - The Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is a tool for dissemination of environmental information to the public, primarily concerning air and water issues. - Industry Emission Directive (IED) regulates emissions from industry. IED wants to achieve better protection for human health by reducing harmful emissions from industry. - Weser judgement Member States must refuse authorisation for an individual project where it might cause a deterioration of the status of a body of surface water or where it jeopardises the attainment of good surface water status or of good ecological potential and good surface water chemical status. We see that IoT-technology is one of the most promising tools for achieving the objectives of the Water Framework Directive, PRTR and IED.
LoV-IoT – Citizen Science Citizen Science - How to engage the public and help initiatives? - Collaboration with LuftData.se Science festival in Gothenburg - The public built sensors to learn about IoT, sensors, air quality and health - Young, old and whole families participated Universeum, a science park in Gothenburg - Over 500 000 visitors, 70 000 students and 2 000 teachers - How to involve young people better in societal challenges? It is important for us how we communicate environmental information so that it is used and interpreted in a correct way. We want to increase knowledge for the citizens regarding environmental questions and engage them in helping solve the major challenges we have. We have built almost 200 sensors during the last six months at science fairs, open house at IVL and together with the public sectror. Universeum is an important partner in which we can reach a larger audience that are interested in the environment and techniques, they focus now on girls in the age 12-14 in which grup there is a drastic drop in interest for technique. We want to develop a concept that could easily be used for other schools and science parks
Open source, open data and open api The Swedish Government suggests a Swedish cloud service - Open techniques with open source, open hardware and open standards - Important for the whole value chain, necessary to provide long term control and security EU-initiatives concerning IoT and data services for cities and industry - Two major projects, FIWARE and Arrowhead, a response to Silicon Valley companies - An open source platform for Europe is necessary, not to be dependent on a few companies Gothenburg City wants to use open source when possible - Avoid vendor lock-in when procuring IT infrastructure - Give the next city the chance to run with the ball and develop further Three fundamental challenges lock-in, interoperability, and long term maintenance “Interoperability is a critical issue for the Commission, and usage of well established open standards is a key factor to achieve and endorse it.” Budget for Arrowhead, 100 m€ Budget for FIWARE, 50m€
LoV-IoT – status right now Field tests using existing infrastructure for instrumentation in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Santiago Data models for harmonization of data to increase interoperability for air and water monitoring Test facilities for sensors, IoT-platforms and services Building knowledge with 13 other IoT-hubs in Sweden and the cities that follow our project Data analysis and decision support for different stakeholders Share resources in the city, both infrastructure for analysis as well as data Nobel Prize winner Mario Molina explains the importance of education and to work together for a better environment for a school class during a ride on one of the first electric buses in Santiago de Chiles Harmonization through standards and data models for all kinds of stakeholders, how can PRTR become an important resource in this? Test and try early to learn how to collaborate, get important insights in other countries challenges A huge challenge is where to make knowledge, data and experiences available for other to use and innovate further on! WIKI? Homepages are hard to find if you do not already know what you want. Several cities that wants to collaborate and we have a newly funded initiative to deepen our collaboration with Latinamerica Automatic evaluation of sensor through data analysis for under which circumstances they are useful Many stakeholders, EU, developers, citizens, cities Cost for installation, choice of IoT-platform, make data available and known Where to make knowledge easily available? Developing open source for environmental monitoring Fredrik.Hallgren@ivl.se