The Global Economy IB HL
Financial Flows Exports and imports of goods and services in 2005 exceeded $26 trillion dollars. Developing economies still account for less than one-third of global trade. FDI and cross-border investment flows to developing economies have soared.
Factors Accelerating Globalisation Barriers to international trade and investment are coming down. Technological progress has dramatically cut transportation and communication costs. Some previously non-tradable services can now be traded easily.
Expanding Trade Between 1990 and 2005, growth in the overall global economy. The market share of low and middle income economies increased from 16% in 1990 to almost 30% in 2005. Between 1990 and 2005, merchandise exports between developing economies increased by 13%.
Activities Using Geography For The IB Diploma P 57-63, answer the following… How important are Financial Flows and Trade etc. between the Developed Core, and Underdeveloped Periphery areas? Why? Using Table 1 (P58/59), try to group the corporations into types of corporation then give reasons for which types of corporation generate the most money. Using Figure 2 (P60), analyse and explain reasons for the trends shown in the graph.