The Basics of Information Systems lesson 25 The Basics of Information Systems
The Purpose of Information Systems Uses for Information Systems The Parts of an Information System
This lesson includes the following sections: The Purpose of Information Systems Types of Information Systems The Information Systems Department
The Purpose of Information Systems - Uses for Information Systems An information system is a mechanism that helps people collect, store, organize, and use information. This is the primary use for computers. An information system can be manual, like a card catalog or an address book. Computerized information systems can range from a simple database of names to a satellite-tracking system.
The Purpose of Information Systems – Parts of an Information System Any information system has three parts: A physical means for storing information, such as disks. A procedure for handling information, to ensure its integrity. Rules regarding the use or distribution of information, to ensure it is used by the right people. All information systems, regardless of their type, serve the same purpose – to help users get a certain type of value from their information.
Types of Information Systems Office Automation Systems Transaction Processing Systems Decision Support Systems Management Information Systems Expert Systems
Types of Information Systems - Office Automation Systems Office automation systems are used to automate routine office tasks, such as the creation of documents, billing, and others. Office automation systems can be built from off-the-shelf applications – standard productivity software that most users are familiar with. In some office systems, commercial software may be customized to perform specific tasks, but this is not always necessary.
Types of Information Systems - Transaction Processing Systems A transaction processing system is used to handle the processing and tracking of transactions. A transaction is an event that can occur as a series of steps, such as taking and fulfilling an order from a customer.
Types of Information Systems - Decision Support Systems A decision support system collects various types of business data, and is used to generate special reports that help managers make decisions. A decision support system may use data from a company's transaction processing system and from external sources, such as stock market reports, information about competitors, and so on. These systems provide highly tailored, structured reports that can be used for very specific business situations.
Mathematical modeling tools Customers and Supplies Competition and global markets Governmental External Data Sources Input and feedback Interaction Decision Support Software Mathematical modeling tools Database manager Manager or Staff Specialist Query, model and analysis results
Types of Information Systems - Management Information Systems A management information system (MIS) is designed to provide information that is design for use by different types of managers. This type of system can create reports that meet the needs of managers at different levels. Senior-level managers need different types of information than mid- or low-level managers. These people may need entirely different types of information, or to view the same type of information in unique ways.
Types of Information Systems – Expert Systems An expert system is a specialized information system that performs tasks normally done by people, such as making decisions. Expert systems are used to approve bank loans, make large-scale purchasing decisions, and assist with medical diagnoses. Expert systems rely on huge, detailed databases (knowledge bases). Special software, called an inference engine, analyzes data to answer questions or make choices.
The Information Systems Department The Role of the IS Department Role Players in an IS Department
The Information Systems Department - The Role of the IS Department The Information Systems (IS) department is responsible for designing, building, and managing an organization's information systems. In years past, the IS department served only the informational needs of managers. Today, the IS team supports all workers in a business, and supports the business' mission, as well. An IS department's tasks include designing, planning, installing, and maintaining systems; generating reports; and cost control.
The Information Systems Department - Role Players in an IS Department An IS department can include many members with many different skills. A large IS staff may include: Managers Purchasing Agents Computer Scientists Security Managers Systems Analysts Trainers Programmers User Assistance Architects Database Specialists Technical Writers System or Network Managers Hardware Maintenance Technicians
lesson 25 review Define the term information system. Name five types of information systems. Explain the purpose of each major type of information system. List at least six jobs that are part of an IS department.