Moving Systems: Mint Racers Race Team Members: Nathaniel and cate
The Challenge To design and create a car that will roll down a track at the fastest possible speed. You only have $700 to purchase supplies to construct your car. at
Materials Budget Item Cost per Item Number Purchased Total Cost Lifesaver Mints $75 3 $225 Straw $100 2 $200 Popsicle Stick $50 1 $50 Masking tape – 12” 2 $100 Notebook Card $25 Paper Clips Total Spent
Car 1 Test Results Time 11 seconds Distance 10 feet
Improving our Design Our Goal: With our $200 we purchased: To go faster down the track. With our $200 we purchased: 1 live saver 1 straws 1 note book card
Car 2 Test Results Time 3.03 seconds Distance 10 feet
Strength It went all the way down the track. Design Process Strength It went all the way down the track. Future Goal the first time it went relay slow.
Strength Combining ideas Team Collaboration Strength Combining ideas Future Goal deciding who should go on the top of the track