Welcome to Meare Village Primary School
Our Classes We have four classes at Meare: Pyxis – Reception and Year 1 Pegasus – Year 1 and Year 2 Draconis – Year 3 and Year 4 Centaurus - Year 5 and Year 6 We are one big family!
OFSTED praise Pupils make outstanding progress and reach well-above-average standards because teaching is excellent. Pupils are enthusiastic about school because they say lessons are interesting and fun. Pupils’ behaviour is excellent and they feel safe. They say there is no bullying but that the school has very good systems to deal with it should it occur.
Outdoor Education
Station Farm
The Nativity Production
We are poets don’t you know it? Learning Quests Learning Quest Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term 2018/2019 By the Power of We are poets don’t you know it? We are the world!
Entry and Exit Points
First Days… I will need everyday; My book bag My reading record A water bottle My fruit snack (a piece of fresh fruit or veg) Spare clothes in case of accident. In a labelled rucksack. Outdoor gear appropriate to the weather e.g. sun hat / coat with a hood Monday 2nd September INSET DAY Tuesday 3rd September First day of school, 8.30-12.30 (no lunch) Wednesday 4th September 8.30am – 12.30 pm (no lunch) Thursday 5th September 8.30am – 1.30 pm (stay for lunch) Friday 6th September Weekend Monday 9th September Full day 8.30 – 3pm including lunch
Drop off and pick up routine The playground gates are open from 8.30 am, for the first few days only you could go to the Pyxis class cloakroom to help your child hang up their coat. The bell rings at 8.40 the children say goodbye and line up on the playground with the rest of their class. The class teacher will take the class in and the children will do their ‘jobs’ This will get them into a good routine, right from the start! Pick up on the first two days will be at 12.30pm and the next two days will be at 1.30 as the children will stay for lunch. Please wait at the rear of the classroom near our outdoor area we will send the children out one at a time. Just let us know in the morning if somebody different will be picking up your child and ask that person to make themselves known to us at the end of the day. We soon get to recognise Grandpas and Aunties!
Boys Uniform Grey trousers or grey shorts Blue sweater (with school emblem) White polo shirt with collar Plain socks and black shoes Optional blue fleece with school emblem Girls Uniform Grey trousers, dress or skirt Blue and white gingham dress Blue sweater (with school emblem) White polo shirt with collar Plain socks or tights Blue fleece with school emblem
P.E bag and kit Blue tee shirt with emblem, black or blue shorts, P.E shoes Outdoor education bag and kit Long sleeved top and jogging bottoms, hooded jumper, wellies, spare socks, hat, waterproof coat.
Online learning Journal We are investigating having an online journal where photos of your child and their learning can be shared with you. Details to follow!
Communication All staff are out on the playground from 8.30am every morning, we are always available for any concerns or queries you may have. Equally, we are available at the end of the day. If you need a longer chat you can make an appointment with Mrs Jones or Miss Pappin in the office. They are the beating pulse of the school!
Ways to help your child Talk to them about school and prepare them for what to expect. Keep sharing books and stories with them! Help them to recognise their name when it is written down but don’t worry about teaching them to write it-we will do that! Make sure they are confident to go to the toilet by themselves, put their coat and shoes on, use a knife and fork…..
Any Questions? Thank you for coming today!