Elements of Drama 4 THE PLAY
The Elements of a Play Play Structure dates back to 335 BC Greek when Artistotle described the 6 basic parts of a play. Ari was a philosopher trying to figure out life. He’s also considered a scientist. Playwriting has changed through the years, but Aristotle’s basic components of plot, character, thought, diction, song, and spectable still exist (to some extent) in all plays.
Plot It has three basic parts: exposition, climax, and resolution. The arrangements of events in a play. It has three basic parts: exposition, climax, and resolution. Should be review.
Character It is through these characters that the playwright reveals his or her message. We’ve already talked about the two main types of characters in a play: protagonist & antagonist
Theme Overall meaning of the play Should be review from language arts class
Language Careful selection of language gives the audience a better understanding of the play type, characters, and plot. If they’re using southern words like “yall” we understand that the setting is the south.
Song/Music Musical elements are used to create mood and enhance believability in plays.
Spectacle Includes all visual elements of a production: scenery, props, lighting, costumes, makeup, stage movement, and dance.
Organization Plays are broken up into large chunks called ACTS. Horace, a roman poet, was the first writer to divide a play into acts. A Scene is a subdivision, or smaller part, of an act.
Types of Plays Tragedy Tragedy: a play that deals with serious situations in a serious way. The protagonist dies or is defeated at the end of the play.
Dramatic Play (Drama) A serious play which offers HOPE for the protagonist’s situation
Comedy A play that presents its theme and characters in a humorous way. Everybody comes together at the end.
Melodrama An exaggerated, fast-moving play in which action is more important than characterization. The “good guys” win and the “bad guys” are punished.