Mst. Razba Khanom Tumpa Lecturer Department of Law Daffodil International University
An industrial design is the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. It may be 3D features, such as the shape or surface of an article. 2D features, such as patterns, lines or color.
To be protected under most national laws, an industrial design must appeal to the eye. This means that an industrial design is primarily of an aesthetic nature.
Industrial designs are what make an article attractive and appealing; hence, they add to the commercial value of a product and increase its marketability. When an industrial design is protected, the owner is assured an exclusive right against unauthorized copying or imitation of the design by third parties. Protecting industrial designs helps economic development, by encouraging creativity in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Industrial designs can be relatively simple and inexpensive to develop and protect.
Industrial design must be registered. Depending on the particular national law and the kind of design, an industrial design may also be protected as a work of art under copyright law. In some countries, industrial design and copyright protection can exist concurrently. Under certain circumstances an industrial design may also be protectable under unfair competition law.
Patent & Designs Act, 1911 Patent & Designs Rules, 1933
Design Registration in Bangladesh has been made easy and simple. The necessary information and documents for registration or protection of design in Bangladesh will be necessary for filing application. The Design of an article may be registered under The Patents & Designs Act, 1911.
Any person claiming to be the proprietor of any new or original design not previously published in Bangladesh may apply for registration of design.
Name of the inventor (applicant) Address(s) and nationality of the inventors Two sets of specifications of design Four sets of 3D pictures of the products from 4 sides Power of Attorney [From – 31] Statement of Novelty.
The Registration of an industrial design is valid for five (05) years from the date of the application. Renewable for two (02) further consecutive periods of five (05) years on payment of the prescribed fee. There is no grace period for the design registration.