Office of the President 7/29/2019 3:47 AM Office of the President Budget Hearing 4/22/2016 Overview of Recommendations © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Office of the President Protect the core mission of the university Have the least amount of impact on students Preserve quality Keep FVSU first! Departments: President’s Office Staff Campus Safety Human Resources Legal & Compliance Budget: $2,963,241 Personal Services $29,582 Travel $189,016 Operating Supplies $3,181,839 Total Budget
5% Budget Reduction - $159,092 Reduce budget by eliminating some campus safety hours used for training, paperwork, rounds, etc. - $111,197 Will impact morale, visibility and productivity Eliminate Skillsoft training - $5,500 Removes valuable employee training & discipline tool Reallocate greater percentage of Athletics salary from OOTP to Athletics budget - $40,163 Negatively impacts athletics budget & ability to add essential staff like strength & conditioning Eliminate portion of operating budget - $3756 Spec Asst/Counsel budget line for training & travel
7% Budget Reduction - $63,637 Eliminate campus safety pre-shift briefing, replace with briefing sheets - $27,799 Will impact visibility, productivity, training & comradery Eliminate executive leadership budget - $4,000 Removes valuable employee development tool Reallocation of background check expenses to positions funded by auxiliary and/or grant funds - $2,439 Will shift financial burden to stressed auxiliary and, in some cases, sponsored fund budgets Reduction of one FTE - $28,080 Will impact service level; position currently vacant
9% Budget Reduction - $63,637 Reduction of one FTE - $28,080 Will severely impact service level & morale; position currently vacant Downgrade one position - $35,100 Will remove important functions from operations and impact employee morale Reduction in postage and interoffice mailing of documents to reduce mailing and paper costs - $500 Relying more on email and scanning of documents can result in nominal cost savings
One-Time Critical Needs Emergency radio equipment upgrades - $45,000 We must have seamless communications with other emergency responders to better handle crisis situations Replace 3 campus safety vehicles - $75,000 Vehicles have in excess of 230k miles, very worn and may not perform optimally in an ER situation, & age makes costly upkeep Added security cameras - $30,000 Certain areas lack video surveillance (Huntington, cashier's office, WR campus, etc.)
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