Adding and Subtracting Fractions With Like Denominators
Terminology Like decimals, fractions represent parts of numbers. A fraction is usually a number that is between 0 and 1. Numerator - number on top Denominator - number on bottom
To add or subtract fractions with like denominators: If the denominators are already the same, then you’re ready to add or subtract. Add or subtract the numerators. Keep the denominators the same. Simplify (reduce) the fraction, if possible. If you end up with an improper fraction, change it to a mixed number.
Examples 1 2 3 + = 5 5 5 This answer cannot be reduced any further.
9 4 5 2 2 = ÷ = 14 14 14 7 The GCF of 4 and 14 is 2, so we divide by 2 to reduce.
8 3 11 + = 9 9 9 This is an improper fraction (the top is bigger than the bottom), so we want to change it to a mixed number. To do this, divide the bottom into the top. 1 Answer: 1 2 9 11 9 9 2
Try Some 7 5 = 12 12 4 1 + = 7 7 12 8 + = 15 15
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