Monday, April 29 Power Point Presentation Grab a note-taking sheet Presenters will not slow down for you to take notes No questions of presenters Be prepared when it is your time to present Ch 36-38 Test moved to Monday, May 6 AP World History Exam is in 13 days (I know, right?!) Objective: “I can . . . - identify the following major events of the Cold War, including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the arms race (13C) - summarize the rise of independence movements in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and reasons for ongoing conflicts (13E) - explain how Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict (13F)
2nd Period – Monday Presenters Kamile Kukleryte Yadielis Ramos Amerie Fernandez Megan Humphrey Savanna Frieze Avery Phillips Belicia Lujan-Jaeger
4th Period – Monday Presenters Ife Akinropo Avery Thames Zoe Gamboa Anthony Segebarth Andrew Soto Jade Chen Ameron Gill Preston Gilchrist
8th Period – Monday Presenters Madison Perales Maritoni Sagun Daniel Gomes Alex Greiner Azure Parker Kaylee Zamora Zoe Clark