Task involvement scales change-related potentials A–C, Change-time aligned, central potentials exhibited different profiles across task involvement. Task involvement scales change-related potentials A–C, Change-time aligned, central potentials exhibited different profiles across task involvement. The initial P2-like response (peak at 313 ms) did not differ significantly across involvement levels [height (B), slope (C)]. However, the potentials diverged strongly thereafter, with increasingly negative slopes for more active involvement. Data averaged over all change times and the two largest mixing coefficients (0.3,0.6). D–F, The PO potentials exhibited clear differences in slope (E) and height (F) across different levels of task involvement. For the passive-naive condition, the potential appears to be a combination between a lasting negative potential in combination with a more transient positive potential added. All error bars indicate ±1 SEM, and p values are denoted in the figure, all tests are described in the main text. Effect size is given in parentheses after the p value. Same electrodes as in Figure 3. Urszula Górska et al. eNeuro 2018;5:ENEURO.0090-18.2018 ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience