TEEB Training Module 2 : Engaging Stakeholders TEEB Training for National Level Implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

TEEB Training Module 2 : Engaging Stakeholders TEEB Training for National Level Implementation

TEEB Training To understand how different stakeholder groups can be involved in or affected by a national or sub-national TEEB study To cultivate long term support and build cooperation for the execution of these studies as well as establishing a community of practice To identify good governance structures and stakeholder dialogues that are fully participatory To agree on ways forward among and between stakeholders To instigate change from the bottom up To gain community wide by-in and increase the longevity and success of the project Getting stakeholders on board Why is it important?

TEEB Training Module Goal To Demonstrate the importance of stakeholder engagement particularly from the outset of TEEB

TEEB Training Objectives of Module Review meaning and benefits of stakeholder engagement and provide its underlying principles Identify key actors that would be engaged in TEEB national studies and outline their potential stakeholder interests Introduce various mechanisms of engagement and cooperation

TEEB Training The Module is broken down into 3 sessions: Session 1: Stakeholder engagement Session 2: Stakeholder analysis and mapping Session 3: Mechanisms for engagement and cooperation

TEEB Training Module Agenda Duration (mins)Session 20Introduction and Icebreaker 30Session 1: Stakeholder engagement 40Session 2: Stakeholder analysis and mapping 20Coffee Break 40Session 3: Mechanisms for engagement and cooperation 20 Group Exercise 10 Summary and Questions 60 Lunch and Finish

TEEB Training Learning Outcomes To be able to analyze and understand your audience Understand the key principles of stakeholder engagement Identify key stakeholder groups and understand their interests Recognize the various mechanisms of engagement and cooperation

TEEB Training Ice breaker A tropical forest scenario In pairs, brainstorm which groups, organizations, institutions, companies etc. may be interested in land which is covered in tropical forest. Under each group, consider why they may be interested in this land/ecosystem and then think how their interests may be prioritized. ©UNEP/GRID-Arendal

TEEB Training Key Resources for Module Reports/documents GIZ, Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning; A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach. GIZ, Germany Ten Brink, P. (ed), The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity in national and International Policy making. Earthscan, London Wittmer, H. and Gundimeda, H. (eds), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. In Local and Regional Policy and Management Earthscan, London WRI, Ecosystems and Human Well-being; A framework for Assessment. Island Press, Washington Websites CBD: CSE: making-0http:// making-0 Dlist Benguela: ESPA: Stakeholder Forum: WBCSD: Yale University: