English 10 – 4/22/19 After reading the “Foul Reign…” do you feel that Self-Reliance can be harmful? He does not get lost, he discovers alternative destinations. Willipus-wallipus – a big monster of early America. Goals – Discuss quotes for Self reliance and Foul Reign. Homework – Complete all daily work for checking tomorrow. Study for Vocab. #26 on Friday.
English 10 – 4/23/19 What examples do you remember from Cool Hand Luke that showed the benefits of self- reliance? What were the problems? Do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections? Anglophobia – a dislike for England and things English. Coined by Thomas Jefferson. Goals – Discus “Foul Reign…” Homework – Don’t forget to study for Quiz # 26 Friday.
English 10 - 4/24/19 Where do you draw the line between self-reliance and community well-being? Why? Why isn’t “phonetic” spelled the way it sounds? Teratism – love of monsters. Goals – Examine assignment sheet, rubric and structure to get a clear understanding of the project. Homework – Study for Vocab. #26 on Friday.
English 10 – 4/25/19 . If a cow laughed would milk come out of its nose? Manticore – a monster with the head of a man, body of a lion, and tail of a dragon. Goals – Work on Argument/Rebuttal chart to clarify your thinking. Ask questions about anything you are uncertain about. Homework – Study for Vocab. #26 tomorrow.
English 10 - 4/26/19 Five minutes to study for Vocab. 26. How do you make a hotdog stand? Spunkie – a goblin that preys on night travelers by luring them off cliffs with lights. Goals – Complete Vocab. # 26. Grade it. Last chance to ask any questions about the Non-linguistic Representation. Homework – Complete your chart and start working on the imagery for your presentation. Take away its chair.