Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 1 – Understanding my authority!
Understanding authority - definition authority noun the moral or legal right or ability to control: Legal Definition – Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. Permission to act That permission may be delegated – power to act on behalf of another person with their lawful permission Authority = Permission to take action
Why do I need to take action? Why do I have the need to take action? Thinking from around the world has come to similar conclusions which any reasonable person would agree with in concept... Human needs beyond survival Human needs for survival
Taking action for survival Human needs for survival
My permission to act for survival Without adequate shelter, nutritious food and clean water I cannot survive. For humanity to survive as a species I also need social interaction – as a minimum a partner of the opposite sex! Most agree this is instinctive and we have little control over this!
WHERE DID THIS PERMISSION TO ACT COME FROM? Here there is no disagreement – our planet and everything we observe is the result of creation (who or what ever that might be) THAT is my authority! This is even confirmed by the church "The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man" [1 Cor 2:15]. This authority, however, (though it has been given to man and is exercised by man), is not human but rather divine,...
The limits of my authority No person has credible evidence, let alone proof, that they have authority over me from who or what ever may have created our planet earth. No person has credible evidence, let alone proof, that they have authority over another creation from who or what ever may have created our planet earth. I have no permission to take more than I need for my survival.
What is proof? Types of proof – proof (pro͞of)► n. The evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true. n. The validation of a proposition by application of specified rules, as of induction or deduction, to assumptions, axioms, and sequentially derived conclusions. Legal Definition (Blacks Law dictionary 4th edition) - the establishment of fact by evidence. Types of proof – Visible to all through same method of investigation, Types of evidence – Statement of fact by first hand witness, THEREAFTER IT IS HEARSAY!
What is fact? fact (făkt)► n. Knowledge or information based on real occurrences, an account based on fact n. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed. n. A real occurrence; an event. Legal Definition (Blacks Law dictionary 4th edition) - A state of things, that is, an existence, or a motion, that is, an event....
The only moral law! I KNOWLINGLY HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO CAUSE ANOTHER CREATION HARM BEYOND MY NEEDS OF SURVIVAL. harm (härm)► N. Physical or psychological injury or damage. N. Wrong; evil.
My needs beyond survival Human needs beyond survival
Authority to act beyond survival As we are individually the result of creation we can only have equal authority. Hence unless anyone can prove otherwise there is only one moral law applicable to all humans.
My interactions beyond survival My authority beyond survival ends when I knowingly cause another creation harm. ALL my interactions beyond survival can only be done through a meeting of the minds of those that I potentially affect by my proposed actions, PRIOR to me taking any action.
Consent = lawful contract If I knowingly withhold information, or know the other party does not fully understand any of the terms, or I use any other method which would result in harm that I withhold, there has not been a meeting of the minds and hence the contract is unlawful.
Consent definition con•sent (kən-sĕntˈ)► v. To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree. v. Archaic To be of the same mind or opinion. n. Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P377. A concurrence of wills.... Consent is an act of reasoning with deliberation, the mind weighing as in a balance of good or evil on each side.....
Managing my needs beyond personal survival It is impossible to give away something Ido not have! Hence I can only delegate authority to the maximum extent of my authority, which is to knowingly not cause another creation harm beyond my need for survival.
My old belief of authority WRONG!!!!!! I am the equal authority with every fellow human! and that means you!
Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 2 – Understanding my responsibility!
Definition of responsibility re•spon•si•ble (rĭ-spŏnˈsə-bəl)► adj. Liable to be required to give account, as of one's actions or of the discharge of a duty or trust. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1476 The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair any injury it may have caused.
I AM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS It is physically impossible for someone else to act for me, and hence delegation of my actions is an impossibility! If I exceed my authority of knowingly causing harm to any creation beyond my need for survival without meeting of the minds it is unlawful
I AM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS – Inaction is an action When I see unlawful actions by others “turning a blind eye”, or ignoring it in any way allows that unlawfulness to continue.
I AM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS – I CANNOT HIDE When I give ORDERS I have planned the result I want, I am knowingly giving the order, Therefore am equally responsible for harm caused resulting from my orders being implemented by others.
I AM PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS – I CANNOT HIDE When I follow an order – I know the limits to my authority “knowingly cause no harm to other creations unless by consent” I am entirely personally responsible for my actions
Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 3 – Understanding accountability!
Definition of accountability n. The state of being accountable; liability to be called on to render an account; accountableness; responsible for; answerable for. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P36 Subject to pay; responsible; liable........
My accountability Where I have delegated any of my authority, as I cannot delegate my responsibility, I must ensure my delegated authority is not exceeded, failing which I am acting irresponsible.
Definition of delegate n. A person authorized to act as representative for another; a deputy or an agent. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1476 A person who is delegated or commissioned to act instead of another...
Delegation of authority vs. responsibility. I understand my authority I cannot knowingly cause another creation harm beyond my survival needs. To meet my needs beyond survival I must have a meeting of the minds with the people affected by my proposed actions I can delegate my authority as I wish. I understand I cannot delegate my responsibility. Only I can be held responsible for actions resulting from delegating my authority.
Accountability Hence I must have unrestricted access to any, and all records and proceedings pertaining to my delegated authority whenever I so choose, failing which I am acting irresponsible.
Accountability Anyone knowingly exceeding my delegated authority is personally liable for their actions beyond my delegated authority, including any unlawful actions assumed to carry out my delegated authority!
Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 4 – Law of creation superior!
Beliefs, customs and traditions My beliefs, like yours cannot be the higher law without proof of authority from creation (whatever any of us believe that to be).
Beliefs, customs and traditions Any beliefs, customs and traditions are the creation of humans, and hence are inferior to the law of creation. The law of creation is above man made law and hence man cannot delegate something he does not have, irrespective of the size of the community, belief, customs or traditions. Any belief, custom or traditions that knowingly causes another harm, beyond the needs of survival where there has not been a meeting of the minds is unlawful.
Beliefs, customs and traditions There are countless legal systems, however just like Common Law and Roman Law all other man made law is inferior to the law of creation They are based on belief, customs or traditions. All used to date are privilege based, where some are more equal than others and the “superior authority” grants privileges and rights, and when you do not tow the line these are removed! All these existing legal systems are based on fear using threats, disinformation and “legalised” violence.
Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 5 – Law of the land superior!
LAW OF THE LAND law of the land n. due process of law; the general law of the land. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th edition p 1032... Everything which may pass under the form of an enactment is not the law of the land.
LAW OF THE LAND MOST SUPERIOR MAN MADE LAW HENCE no act, bill, statue or rule stands above the law of the land which is to not knowingly cause another creation harm, and hence can only have lawful standing if there is a contract where there has been a meeting of the minds.
Acts, Bills Statutes etc Creation Laws of Creation Humans Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy Part 6 – Other laws inferior to law of the land!
Where does other law fit in? There are countless legal systems, however just like Common Law and Roman Law all other man made law is inferior to the law of creation They are merely belief, customs or traditions based, and are based on privilege where some are more equal than others and the “superior authority” grants privileges and rights, and when you do not tow the line these are removed! All these existing legal systems are based on fear using threats, disinformation and “legalised” violence.
Common Law common law ► n. The system of laws originated and developed in England and based on court decisions, on the doctrines implicit in those decisions, and on customs and usages rather than on codified written laws. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P345 .. That body of law and juristic theory which was, originated in England.... ... As distinguished from law created by the enactments of legislatures... ... As a compound adjective “common-law is understood as contracted with or opposed to “statutory”, and sometimes also to “equitable” or to “criminal”
Roman Law Roman law ► n. the system of principles and laws found in the codes and treatises of the lawmakers and jurists of ancient Rome, and incorporated more or less into the laws of the several European countries and colonies founded by them. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1494 .... laws which prevailed among the Romans without regard to the time of their origin....
Roman Catholic Church Law canon law ► n. The body of officially established rules governing the faith and practice of the members of a Christian church. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed. P1494 The juristic personality of the Roman Catholic Church, with the right to sue and to take property.......from the fourth century.
All humans have equal authority The true pyramid of power starts with me! Creation Laws of Creation All humans have equal authority Common Law Governance Responsibility Power & Authority Acts, Bills Statutes etc Corporate Oligarchy