Fig. 3 Evolution of absorber with annealing. Evolution of absorber with annealing. (A and B) Raman spectroscopy of carbon films on Fe-coated (A) and bare Ti (B) nanostructures as a function of annealing, using a 514-nm laser. (C and D) Evolution of the D/G and the 2D/G peak height ratio (C) and FWHM of the D and G peaks, showing the formation of graphene structures for the Fe-coated nanostructures (D). (E and F) Optical absorption with annealing for films from (A) and (B), respectively. The increase in the broadband absorption is evident in the Fe-coated nanostructures in (E) and corroborated by emissivity measurements. José V. Anguita et al. Sci Adv 2016;2:e1501238 Copyright © 2016, The Authors