Auto Nest System Gives you 2% More Eggs August 2014 Marketing Department
Auto Nest System structure Return On Investment (ROI) Contents What are floor eggs? Solutions Auto Nest System structure Return On Investment (ROI) August 2014
1. What are Floor Eggs? Floor eggs are any eggs laid outside the nest. SO? Floor eggs = Lost production Suffer at least 1% lost due to egg contamination Need to invest in labour to pick up floor eggs every day August 2014
2. Solutions Introducing Auto Nest System Key Benefits A complete system to collect eggs. Reduce floor eggs by 1% Increase hatchings by 1% Possible additional income at least USD 30K over a year August 2014
3. Overall Structure Included winchable system to lift up the whole nesting system for cleaning work and manure removable. August 2014
3.1 Auto nest structure Removable nest roof with easy to assemble and disassemble without using any screws. Easy to remove eggs while there is a power failure and build for easy maintenance. Nesting material are made of galvanized sheet steel of 0.45mm thick providing more durability. With BLACK curtain of polyester fabric PVC material as a egg curtain (provides longer life-span). Improved indoor comfort of the nest, with a conducive environment for hen to lay eggs. The nest compartment arrangement can be either 3 nests OR 4 nests attached and one 12” length Aisle way to another nest compartment. refer next slide August 2014
3.1 Auto nest structure August 2014
3.2 Nest Features With flip-able open & close PVC perch support. The new carpet (nest pad) are made of Polymer composition contribute to hen’s comfort & ensure safe egg roll-off. Hollow area providing excellent ventilation and drying slurry. August 2014
3.3 Harvesting Egg belt cushions that minimize shocks at the edge and reduce crack egg. Easy to operate & save labour cost. August 2014
3.4 Manure Brush With extra protection and galvanized steel plate surrounded for cleaning conveyor belt. With adjustable stud bolt for the bolt tensioner. August 2014
4. Return On Investment (ROI) **Note: 2% more eggs success is observed in all breeder farms using GSI Auto Nest System. General Assumptions: Number of hens in 1 breeder house = 8,000 birds Average laying weeks of breeder hen = 45 weeks / 315 days Average fertility rate : 80% Eggs transferred in a year : 8000 X 315 X 80% = 2,016,000 Eggs transferred in a year 2,016,000 Additional 2% chicks 2.0% 40,320 Total chicks with Auto Nest 2,056,320 Day old chick price USD 0.5 Additional revenue from additional chicks USD 20,160 Savings from labour cost: Average labour cost including benefits (USD 500 x 1.1) = USD 550 Auto Nest save 2 workers labour cost = USD 550 x 2 = USD 1,100 Total labour cost involved for 315 days 11,392 Possible additional income in a year USD 31,552 August 2014
THANK YOU Contact your local dealer or sales representatives today. GSI Tel: +604 508 3319 ( Mon - Fri : 8:30am - 5:30pm ) Fax: +604 508 4876 Email: August 2014