ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS) Update


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Presentation transcript:

ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS) Update Information to RSPG meeting 29 February 2012

Overview EFIS is the information tool to fulfill the ECC Decision ECC/DEC/(01)03 and the EC Decision 2007/344/EC on the harmonised availability of information regarding spectrum use in Europe 38 CEPT countries (incl. all EU member states) are represented in EFIS, plus an ITU table and the ECA table (ECA database now merged into EFIS) Further countries are underway (Belarus, Macedonia FYROM, Russia, Ukraine) EFIS contains the following data types: Allocations Applications Radio interfaces Documents Right of use info

EFIS element/Data type No of items in the database Frequency allocations 49,093 Frequency applications 38,224 EFIS users 48 Frequency tables (active users) 44 Radio interfaces 10,330 Related documents 7,722 Related document types 13 Radio interface notes 1,778,999

Software enhancements made available recently New layout (to reflect ECO web style) Enhanced term selection: two ways of selecting allocation and application terms Footnotes (ITU-RR, EU) implemented New document types, informative/non-regulatory, linked to ECA: ECC-ECO, ETSI SRDoc, Draft ETSI SRDoc, EU, and other third party documents Also, a document type National spectrum evolution, uploaded by national administrations A new page in EFIS explains the ‘More detailed spectrum information’ ETSI SRDoc information was also requested by ETSI to be made available in ECA/EFIS) Especially the sections ECC-ECO and ETSI are now fully in use and contain significant amount of information on the actual spectrum use, sharing and efficient use of spectrum. EC Decisions ECC/ERC Decision/Recommendations shown in EFIS incl. European map showing implementation

Software enhancements made available recently (II) Improved export of data from EFIS. All data can be exported in table formats. RIS Models and new doc type ‘Licensing info’: for national administrations to upload general info on licence-exempt rulings or general licensing documents (e.g. PMR/PAMR).

Software enhancements – planned/under consideration Investigation of the need to add “protected areas” in EFIS in connection with non-regulatory information: support confidential or restricted data in information collection processes. Third party documents Section for more detailed spectrum information: subset of the full EFIS application list is proposed to be used in line with requirements to collect data for purposes related to the spectrum inventory project.

Development of new ECC Report in ECC WGFM Guidance, incl. structuring of the information for uploading National non-regulatory information on the evolution of spectrum use will be given in the new ECC Report which is under development in the EFIS/MG. The bands (incl. application and requested format for the information) of interest for which National non-regulatory information is requested by ECC WGFM can be updated on demand. The software, however, is more flexible and allows the collection of information also on other bands if available. Note: The described develoments and updates of EFIS are taking place outside of the scope of the EC Decision and of the inventory based on decisions taken by the ECC.

EFIS frontpage (

More detailed spectrum information page

Non-regulatory document types

Example of document search for specific frequency band

ECC Decs/Recs – implementation map

ETSI SRDocs in the detailed spectrum information section

EFIS CONTACTS in ECO Pia Hammer Bloch Thomas Weber EFIS Project Manager Tel: +45 33 89 63 10 Thomas Weber Spectrum Management Tel: +45 33 89 63 12 ECO Nansensgade 19-3, 1366 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: +45 33 89 63 00 Fax: +45 33 89 63 30