REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If a transaction needs to be reallocated click and high light the transaction. At the bottom of the screen click on Allocation
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS This will high light the transaction at the bottom of the screen. Click on the Add/Edit button to start the reallocation process.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If the transaction only requires one (1) GL change Click on GL Assistant.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS Click on General Ledger and a list of GL numbers will appear.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS You can do a search for the GL number to see if its in the database or type in the GL number to do a search. Enter the GL number a click GO.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If the GL number is not in WORKS this screen will inform you the GL does not exist. You will need the number to the Purchasing Department to be input.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS If the GL number is in WORKS the GL number will appear here. Click on it and you will notice the GL number listed at the bottom of the screen changes to the GL you Selected. Click Finish Button.
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS Make sure the GL number took. Click the Save button and you have successfully reallocated a transaction in WORKS
REALLOCATING TRANSACTIONS Now that the transaction has been reallocated you may approve it by clicking the Sign Off button. Repeat the reallocation process until all transactions are complete and signed off.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS If a transaction requires the GL to be reallocated in multiple GL accounts you first must tell WORKS how many GL accounts are to be used.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS There is a 1 currently in this box. If you click the go button to the right of the box. It will add one additional reallocation field as shown on the next slide.
Each time you click go it will add an additional field or you can enter the number of fields required besides the 1 currently list. Example: If you need to reallocate to 3 different GLs you would enter a 2 in the box. If you needed to reallocate to 4 different GL Accounts you would enter a 3 in the box
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS If the first GL Accounts is good simply change the dollar amount to the correct sum for that account. Example: The original GL needs to be $50, change it in the amount box. Then click into the next box and enter the next Dollar amount and so on.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS You will notice the percentage will changed for each GL Account. Note: Do not click the Save button until you have made all the changes necessary for your transaction.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS Next you enter $100 into the next GL Account. The remaining amount will go into the last GL account. All together they should equal the amount of the transaction. See next slide.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS All dollar amounts equal the original amount of the transaction. Note: Purchase amount and All allocation lines. You are now ready to change the GL Account numbers.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS Click on the first GL Assistant box that needs to be changed. Follow the same steps as shown in the reallocation process for each transaction requiring a different GL number. Once you have changed the all GL numbers requiring reallocation click the save button.
SPLITTING GL ACCOUNTS You should now have 3 different GL numbers with different cash values for one transaction. Remember if your new GL is not in WORKS to e- mail the number to the Program Administrator to be input. Also remember to sign off the transaction when complete.
LOGGING OUT OF WORKS To log out of WORKS click Log Out button.