University of Portsmouth. Departments working in Partnership with Schools
Able Linguist Days
To talk about collaboration between Departments in the University and Partnership with Schools To show the benefits To promote languages Aims
Working in Partnership SECSSLAS Schools
Reasons SECSSLAS Schools Ofsted QtT standards Raising profile and awareness Recruitment Schools Liaison
Schools used: Portsmouth Chichester and West Sussex IOW Southampton East Dorset Winchester, Basingstoke and West Hampshire South Surrey Gosport A3 Corridor
Gifted and Talented Days 2005 SECS SLAS BSEnglish Maths Geog Science
Widening participation Aim Higher SECS SAS Gifted and Talented Days 2005 German MLE SLAS LEA
The Benefits SECS Stronger links with home School in the University Improved relationships between school language departments Raises profile of trainee teacher Trainee teachers finish the year on a high
The Benefits SLAS Stronger links with School of Education Improve School Liaison Raises profile of School of Languages at Portsmouth in the locality Recruit them early
The Benefits Schools Part of Gifted and Talented programme Enrichment opportunities for pupils Raises profile of subject in schools Education for life