TASK Write a discursive essay on the following topic: Media are extremely powerful nowadays. Do you think they use their power responsibly? Words: 250 Due date: 15th March
HOW? Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 2, 3 and 4: Main argument Introduce the topic and state your opinion. Paragraph 2, 3 and 4: Main argument Write two or three paragraphs giving your reasons. Paragraph 5: Opposing arguments Write a paragraph stating one or more common opposing arguments and refuting each one. Paragraph 6: Conclusion Sum up, stating what your arguments have shown.
TIPS Organize your essay into paragraphs, with a clear introduction and conclusion. Use neutral style. Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence and then develop the idea. An essay is NOT just a list of ideas. Link your ideas in a logical sequence. Use phrases to order, contrast, etc. Use synonyms to avoid repeating yourself. Use a variety of phrases for giving your opinion and introducing an opposing argument and refuting it. Make sure your conclusion is a summary of what you have previously said.
And a little help… BASIC DON’TS IN WRITING AN OPINION ESSAY Don’t use colloquial expressions. Don’t use short forms. Don’t use emotive vocabulary. Don’t give personal examples. BASIC DOS IN WRITING AN OPINION ESSAY Introduce each paragraph with a topic sentence, outlining the main ideas. Do not write about advantages or disadvantages or points for or against. Write in formal style.
And a little help… V.II ADDING IDEAS What is more,… EXPRESSING OPINIONS In my opinion, …. Personally, I think/ I believe (that)… I strongly believe that…. It is clear (to me) that… I feel very strongly that… I (completely) agree/disagree with … It seems to me that… As I see it, … To my mind…. In my view,… From my point of view, …. As far I am concerned, … I am sure/ convinced that … I (dis)agree with the statement, because … ADDING IDEAS What is more,… Moreover/ furthermore/ in addition (to) Apart from (that)… Firstly,… First of all,… Secondly,.. Thirdly,… Lastly,… Finally,… GIVING REASONS My main reason is…. Another reason is… One reason for… is …. Many people say/ believe that… Because… Since… Because of/ due to… EXPRESSING CONTRAST (LINKERS OF CONTRAST) although despite in spite of even if whereas however in contrast but on the one hand….. on the other hand CONCLUDING THE ESSAY to sum up,… to conclude,… in conclusion,… it is clear that… in short on the whole all in all,… EXPRESSING PURPOSE so (that) in order to to so as to
EXAMPLES “Children under 16 shouldn’t be allowed to have mobile phones. They are a distraction from studies and an impediment to social interaction.” Discuss. These days it is difficult to think of a world without mobile phones. Many people have more than one and some people spend half their lives on the phone. You also see more and more younger children with mobile phones. Some might find this a worrying trend but in my opinion it is no more than a consequence of modern society’s obsession with technology. Personally, I think that there should be an age limit for owning a mobile phone, but I would put that limit at 8 or 9 years old, not 16. Not to mention the fact that whoever believes that teenagers shouldn’t have access to a mobile phone is out of touch with modern society. Mobile phones are a necessary part of a teenager’s life. By using text messages and apps such as ‘Whatsapp’, modern teenagers build up social networks which are more enriching than hanging around on street corners. Moreover, mobile phones are a source of information. Most teenagers access the Internet via their mobile phones, and far from being a distraction from studies they are actually a study aid. It can be argued that owning a mobile phone is a form of security. Once upon a time parents didn’t know where the kids were if they hadn’t arrived home at the expected time. These days a quick phone call can put parents’ minds at rest. There should be an age limit for mobile phones, in my opinion. Children under the age of 8 or 9 should not have unlimited access to a mobile phone, for security reasons. They are not old enough to know the risks involved in being part of social networks. Many people would argue that this is also true for a 10 or 12 year old but I would reply to this argument by saying that we are now living in a world where technology is essential. It is normal for children to be in contact with technology at a young age. As for the idea that mobile phones are an impediment to social interaction – that is not true. Teenagers have contact with huge groups of friends via their mobile phones. On the contrary, they are an aid to social interaction. In conclusion, I would say that I am in complete disagreement with the idea that mobile phones should only be available to over 16s. It goes against modern trends in society, and is based on the misconception that mobile phones isolate teenagers from society. In the future, communication and information technology will be connected to almost everything we do, so it is futile to try and stop teenagers coming into contact with it.