The Six Steps of the Scientific Method
“What is it that you are trying to figure out?” Step #1 Determine Problem “What is it that you are trying to figure out?”
Step #2 Research Problem Gather as much information as possible to help you make an “educated guess” about the problem
“What do you think will happen?” Step #3 Form a Hypothesis “What do you think will happen?”
Step #4 Test the Hypothesis “Design and conduct an experiment which will attempt to answer your hypothesis”
Record and Analyze Data “Take careful notes of your experiment!” Step #5 Record and Analyze Data “Take careful notes of your experiment!” “Then take a close look at your notes!”
“Does your data support / not support your hypothesis?” Step #6 Form a Conclusion “Does your data support / not support your hypothesis?” - If it does, accept your hypothesis - If it does not, reject your hypothesis
5. Record and Analyze Data 6. Form a Conclusion The Scientific Method 1. Determine the Problem 2. Conduct Research 3. Form a Hypothesis 4. Test the Hypothesis 5. Record and Analyze Data 6. Form a Conclusion