English Theme 45 pp Date: June 12, 2007 Room: 8-405


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Presentation transcript:

English Theme 45 pp.86-91 Date: June 12, 2007 Room: 8-405 Instructor: Mafuyu Kitahara Material: Thelen, E. (1995) “Time-scale dynamics and the development of an embodied cognition” in R. Port and T. van Gelder (eds.) Mind as motion, Cambridge: MIT Press

Hannah: silent lady No recording of limit-cycle, just hands Two infants need different strategies: Gabriel: too energetic, needs more control Hannah: too silent, needs more energy

First reach (1) Gabriel Hannah

First reach (2) Gabriel >> Hannah Gabriel Hannah Area of trajectories (seen from front) Speed (direction-less) Torque (MDT = inertia, vs MUS = muscle) Gabriel attempted to slow down, but still spring-like Hannah smooth, slow, mature-looking

Gabriel: more detail reach (M-->T) = continued from other moves.

Time-scale dynamics Slow process: body and muscle grow Fast process: everyday movements Everyday process: feed learning deus ex machine is not there!