Selection Sort Insertion Sort if time


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Presentation transcript:

Selection Sort Insertion Sort if time Test Corrections Selection Sort Insertion Sort if time

APCS Test Corrections What do I do to make corrections? Use your brain and, if necessary, chapter notes/text/notebook to find the correct answer. Write the correct answer. Write why you consider your answer to be correct, by supporting your answer Write why you got the answer wrong. This requires reflection on how you interpreted the question/answer and why you believe your misinterpreted it.

What will I get for making corrections? For this test. I will regrade it after test corrections and record the corrected test score Other benefits include reviewing information, which confused you, increasing your understanding of Computer Science, and improving your multiple choice test taking skills.

How long do I have to make corrections? You have one week after the exam is returned. Do I have to make corrections? No. You will keep your initial test score

What should corrections look like? Sample Question: Colonial American taverns were all of the following except: frequented mainly by the lower classes another cradle of democracy hotbeds of agitation for the Revolutionary movement important in crystallizing public opinion places providing amusement Question #1: _A_is the correct answer. I put D because I didn’t know the term “crystallizing.” I also didn’t understand “public opinion” so I thought this must be the “exception” answer. I did not pick the correct answer because I thought only lower classes hung out in taverns back then. This time, when I looked at all the choices, I realized b, c and d are about the Revolution so the most likely choices are either a or e. When I looked up information on the role of taverns, I found out all kinds of people hung out in taverns and people played cards and sang so they had amusement.

Will I get credit for every correction I make? No. Simply copying or paraphrasing the answer will not earn you any credit. You must show reasoning or reflection. Here is an example of how not to do it: Questions #1: The answer should be _A_. The “except” answer is “frequented mainly by the lower classes” because the other answers are correct.

Free Response Question. For the questions Free Response Question. For the questions. Complete any three of the following. Describe the task(s) you need to accomplish(1 pt) List the pre-conditions(1 pt) List the post-condition(1 pt) Start coding at the header(9 pts) Write a Boolean method isIncreasing() to determine if all of the values from the start to an ending index (stop) of the array array are increasing in value. /** @param array an array of positive integer values * @param stop the last index to check * Precondition: 0 <= stop < array.length * @return true if for each j such that 0 <= j < stop, array[j] < array[j + 1] ; * false otherwise */ public static boolean isIncreasing(int[] array, int stop) { /* implementation not shown */ } Read over the problem and give a clear summary of what the code needs to accomplish Initial state of variables, assumptions as listed in the problem. Value(s) returned, variables changed. The header of the method is included in the question. Copy the header in your answer then continue to code. You do NOT need to include imports.

Outline for Today Test Corrections Selection Sort Programs S.N.O.T. Selection Sort Programs Sorting Strings using sample code. Sorted, mean, median Pushes: Find the mode: The most often occurring value. Multiple modes? No mode? Let the user tell you how many scores prior to entering the scores Add a method that will return an array of the 5 highest scores. Add a method that will return the modified average. If the pre-sorted scores are in increasing order (continual improvement), it will return the average of the top 3 scores, otherwise with will return the entire average. Insertion Sort Program Notes on class website

Selection Sort Program Input 11 scores in main body Output: Numbers in sorted order (Low to High): Method Mean (average): Method Median (Middle number after sorting): Method Push: Find the mode: The most often occurring value. Multiple modes? No mode? Let the user tell you how many scores prior to entering the scores Add a method that will return an array of the 5 highest scores. Add a method that will return the modified average. If the pre-sorted scores are in increasing order (continual improvement), it will return the average of the top 3 scores, otherwise with will return the entire average.

Shell for the Selection Sort program. import java.util.Scanner; public class SortOfFun { public static void main(String [] args) } public static void selectionSort(int [] unsortedArray) public static void show(int [] arrayToShow) public static int meany(int [] theArray) public static int medianfinder(int [] theArray) Shell for the Selection Sort program.