Comparison of taxonomic differences between stool microbiota from healthy patients and stool microbiota from ICU patients and stool from healthy patients and rectal swabs from ICU patients. Comparison of taxonomic differences between stool microbiota from healthy patients and stool microbiota from ICU patients and stool from healthy patients and rectal swabs from ICU patients. ANCOM W-statistics were generated for taxa shared between three data sets. The x axis presents results of comparisons of stool from healthy volunteers in the American Gut Project (AGP) and stool samples from ICU patients (from the study by McDonald et al. [4] and the present study). The y axis presents results of comparisons of stool from the same healthy volunteers with rectal swabs from ICU patients (from the present study). Groups 1 and 3 represent taxa that were discordant between these two comparisons. Taxa that were below the significance level in ANCOM but were still seen to cluster with groups 1 and 3 were included at an arbitrary W statistic value of above 150 and are indicated in the dotted circles. Taxa in these dotted circles form the basis of analysis in Fig. 4 (see also Fig. S2 and S3). Saumya Bansal et al. mSphere 2018; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00219-18