Alternate Universe Theory 4/6/2019 10 am
Universe(s) What are the current theories? What is the evidence? What DOES IT ALL MEAN?!
Universe(s) Breakdown Several theories Hard to test (if at all) LOADS of debate Quantum physics is key (and weird
Mathematical Universes Theories Infinite Universes Bubble Universes Daughter Universes Mathematical Universes Parallel Universes There are 5 working theories regarding a multiverse.
NP 1. Infinite universes. Scientists and theoretical physicists are still working on the shape of space-time. A strong current theory is that it is flat and goes on and on and on and on. Since it is inifinite, then it is likely that there are other universes. Following along those lines is the thought that universes could then repeat themselves. Thiis comes from quatntum. Particles can only be put together in a fixed number of ways. Thus…we would see some repetition. 2. Bubble universes. It is all based on an inflating universe. Much like our universe formed through the Big Bang expansion, it is thought that other universes could form…some reresarch from Tufts University suggests that spots in space stop inflating and other spots keep growing. This means we could have arears that are in their own bubble. We could be a bubble universe with other bubble universes in the same network. Physics might very well be different in those bubbles. 3. Daughter universes. Or perhaps multiple universes can follow the theory of quantum mechanics (how subatomic particles behave), as part of the "daughter universe" theory. If you follow the laws of probability, it suggests that for every outcome that could come from one of your decisions, there would be a range of universes — each of which saw one outcome come to be. So in one universe, you took that job to China. In another, perhaps you were on your way and your plane landed somewhere different, and you decided to stay. And so on. is a great resource to find an easy breakdown of the current working theories for the multiverse.
NP 4. Mathematical universes. Another possible avenue is exploring mathematical universes, which, simply put, explain that the structure of mathematics may change depending in which universe you reside. "A mathematical structure is something that you can describe in a way that's completely independent of human baggage," said theory-proposer Max Tegmark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as quoted in the 2012 article. "I really believe that there is this universe out there that can exist independently of me that would continue to exist even if there were no humans." 5. Parallel universes. And last but not least as the idea of parallel universes. Going back to the idea that space-time is flat, the number of possible particle configurations in multiple universes would be limited to 10^10^122 distinct possibilities, to be exact. So, with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them must repeat — infinitely many times over. This means there are infinitely many "parallel universes": cosmic patches exactly the same as ours (containing someone exactly like you), as well as patches that differ by just one particle's position, patches that differ by two particles' positions, and so on down to patches that are totally different from ours. Famously, physicist's Stephen Hawking's last paper before his death also dealt with the multiverse. The paper was published in May 2018, just a few months after Hawking's demise. About the theory, he told Cambridge University in an interview published in The Washington Post, "We are not down to a single, unique universe, but our findings imply a significant reduction of the multiverse to a much smaller range of possible universes."
Issues with Parallel Universe Universe(s) Issues with Parallel Universe Cannot truly be tested Particle arrangement is limited Inflation slowed and particles are not expanding Possible outcomes rise quickly Inflation has to be infinite or it doesn’t work Astrophycisist Ethan Siegel has an article on Medium discussing parallel universes and how this one is not likely. He suggests…
NP The issues with the multiverse is that we can not really test any of this. We have mathematics to give us ideas and quantum physics to learn from…but even that is pretty weird in that we change particle behavior just by observing it (ie: light). Some research suggests that a cold spot found in space is an example of bubble universes hitting each otherr. This cold spot was found in 2004 and confirmed in 2013. It is highly unlikely that it was produced in the birth of our universe…but is a mathematical conundrum in that it goes against inflation…our current working theory. The issue with this is idea of universes bumbing into each other is that we can not possible prove that has happened with the current tech we have. Until we fully understand why light travels at the speed it does…why an electron doesn’t have mass…why light doesn’t have mass…what exactly makes up graavoty…the elusive graviton…we can’t possibly begin to enter into the realm of the multiverse until we have fully understood our own. To be fair…the physics in these other universes could very well act differently.
SOURCES found-evidence-of-parallel-universes many-problems-20181018/ 46c9e3c493e2#.xo04du8md
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Current Climate Change 3/24/2019 10 am