Careers in Math Read everything on the next slide CAREFULLY Careers in Math Read everything on the next slide CAREFULLY! Push SPACE to move to the next slide!
Why do we learn about math? Why is math important? Many students don’t like math because they don’t see the point. Have you ever been in math class or been doing math homework and thought, “When am I ever going to use this?” What you may not realize is that EVERYONE uses math EVERYDAY!!! On the next 11 slides, you will learn about 11 COOL careers that require math. At the end of the presentation, you will type a short description of the career that most interests you!
Did you know all of those cool careers require math? Choose the career that interests you the most. Click the link on the next page and write a short description of the career you chose. The TITLE of you post should be your name Look for Ms. Brown’s post to use as an example
After clicking the link look for the PINK PLUS SIGN in the bottom corner of the page. Click the plus sign to add your post. Use this format for your post: The most interesting math career I learned about was ________________. This career was interesting to me because______________________________________. Click HERE to add your post! Look for Ms. Brown’s post to help you get started. After posting your thoughts, read some of your classmates’ ideas!