ELA 3/4 Debate format and today’s overview: Today’s agenda: -Students will be in GROUPS OF 4. You are allowed to select your own groups. -Here’s the catch– two of you will argue the pro side and two of you will argue the con side. This means some of you may have to argue against what you actually believe. I will be the one to assign whether you are pro or con. This also means as you do your initial research, it is important that you look at both sides of the argument since you don’t know which side you will be assigned to. (Don’t worry. This makes it more fun and leads to stronger arguments. I promise!) -With your group, you will explore possible topics using Opposing Viewpoints as well as credible websites (remember your evaluation tools). Remember what Mrs. Harpin discussed yesterday about the more mature topics. I expect you to be wise in which articles you are looking at and which topics you are considering. -Each group will submit their top 3 topic choices by the end of the day today using the “Debate Topic Approval” form on a later slide. Failure to submit your topic today will result in a delay of your topic approval and could prevent you from being able to complete tomorrow’s assignment. The form will time out at 7:00pm, so be sure you get it done ASAP! ELA 3/4 Today’s agenda: -Debate topic exploration -Debate topic approval
Suggested Topics: -Homework -Dress code/uniforms -Danger in sports -Exotic animals as pets -Video games -Climate change/global warming -Technology in schools -Screen time -Recess in middle school -Banned books/censorship -Youth sports -Vaccinations -Cell phones in cars -Contact sports in middle school -Social media -Hunting -Gun control -Homeschooling -Immigration -Artificial intelligence *You do not HAVE to do these topics- they are just suggestions*
Find Findling
Gathering Sources in Noodletools http://www.cobblearning.net/charpin/2018/12/11/citing-sources-with-noodletools-2/
Database VS. Website http://www.cobblearning.net/charpin/2018/12/11/citing-sources-with-noodletools-2/
-Submit three possible topics for your group using the form below -Submit three possible topics for your group using the form below. You only need to submit one form per group. -With each topic proposal, you will include a brief statement explaining the “argument” behind your topic. For example, if your topic is “dress code,” the argument behind it might be “we need a stricter dress code”. -Remember, all topics must be debatable! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-x3OL5- ROEmquMR_D8kYLRw- 6sCUqyNGoIVBFXaTIzFUM1pWVUgyTlA2Rkk0QTA1OVBNM1lHMjRGU S4u