Praise Points: Year 7 7AWY 4635 7LGN 3832 7NBK 2969 7YGY 2416 7JPE 2319 7EES 2019 7ADN 1562
Praise Points: Year 8 8CMN 2791 8HPE 1909 8KCM 1151 8LHE 1771 8SSN 2184 8TFN 2009
Praise Points: Year 9 9JOR 2430 9EHH 2072 9AYG 1607 9KON 1428 9ABW 1265
Praise Points: Year 10 10FBY 2817 10HYS 2195 10ADE 1874 10NDR 1804 10EMN 1660 10GBN 1107
Praise Points: Year 11 11HBE 2793 11MMY 11JMY 2150 11COY 2062 11ACG 1423 11CLN 808
Praise Points Running Totals Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 17665 12451 10054 12367 13329 Year 7 156, Year 8 136, Year 9 117, Year 10 133, Year 11 128 (670 total) 134 AVERAGE
House System Don’t forget, the House Leadership Team meets regularly and details of our meetings are now available to you on the Academy website and in House Leadership box in the Library.
Current House Points 13882 15028 16063 12961 Simmonds Malala Sutton Parry 13882 15028 16063 12961 Simmonds 148, Parry 178, Malala 142, Sutton 174 AVERAGE 161.5
House Scarves now available! Price: £10 See Uniform section of the Academy website for details of how to order.
Drop-in tombola Simmonds (CRR) Malala (FML) Sutton (JLN) Parry (DJS) Each week, House Leaders (teachers or pupils) will visit their family of Forms at random during ECM time. It could happen on any morning. If a Form has perfect attendance and punctuality for that day, that Form will be entered into that week’s tombola draw for a reward. The tombola draw will be announced in ECM time on Fridays. Simmonds (CRR) Malala (FML) Sutton (JLN) Parry (DJS) 7LGN 7AWY 7JPE 7ADN 8KCM 7EES 7NBK 7YGY 9EHH 8LHE 8CMN 8SSN 9KON 9ABW 8HPE 8TFN 10EMN 10HYS 9JOR 9AYG 10GBN 10NDR 10ADE 10FBY 11COY 11ACG 11HBE 11CLN 11JMY 11MMY