10 TH G RADE E NGLISH T UESDAY 14 JAN Agenda: Sign Up for Last Rough Draft and Final Recitation Review Schedule Through Finals Peer Assess Memorized Poems Homework: 1. Practice your poem tonight using the feedback from your peers to enhance your emotions. 2. Last Rough Draft of Memorized Poem with Emotions and Gestures Due Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week! 3. Vote for Class Champions on Friday, 1/ Final Memorized Poem Due Tues thru Fri of next week (Jan ).
P ERIOD 1 S CHEDULE : Tues. 1/14: Memorized Poems with Feedback Wed. 1/15: 1. Mini Lesson on How to Perform Emotions/ID Sonic Patterns 2. Begin Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations (LRDR) 7 LRDR Thurs. 1/16: Continue Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations) 11 LRDR Fri. 1/17: 1. Finish Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations) 11 LRDR 2. Vote on 2 Whole-Class Winners Mon. 1/20: NO SCHOOL Tues. 1/21: Begin Final Poem Recitations (8 FPR) Wed. 1/22: Finish Final Poem Recitations (21 FPR)
P ERIOD 2 S CHEDULE : Tues. 1/14: Memorized Poems with Feedback Wed. 1/15: Mini Lesson on How to Perform Emotions/ID Sonic Patterns Thurs. 1/16: BeginVoting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations) 7 LRDR Fri. 1/17: 1. Finish Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations) 11 LRDR 2. Vote on 2 Whole-Class Winners Mon. 1/20: NO SCHOOL Tues. 1/21: One-on-One Conferencing with Fernald on how to improve the rough draft feedback Thurs. 1/23: Finish Final Poem Recitations (21 FPR)
P ERIOD 3 S CHEDULE : Tues. 1/14: Memorized Poems with Feedback Wed. 1/15: 1. Mini Lesson on How to Perform Emotions/ID Sonic Patterns 2. Begin Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations (LRDR) 8 LRDR Thurs. 1/16: Continue Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations) 11 LRDR Fri. 1/17: 1. Finish Voting on 2 Best Performers per Day (based on Last Rough Draft Recitations) 11 LRDR 2. Vote on 2 Whole-Class Winners Mon. 1/20: NO SCHOOL Tues. 1/21: Begin Final Poem Recitations (8 FPR) Fri. 1/24: Finish Final Poem Recitations (21 FPR)
P LEASE T AKE O UT Your poem with labeled emotions and gestures. Write your name in the upper right hand corner. 2. Yellow Poetry Out Loud Rubric. Write your name in the upper right hand corner of the rubric side (not the Accuracy Score Sheet). 3. A pen or pencil with which to write. * While groups recite, I will walk around to grade your labeled emotions, so please have your poem out and placed right next to you. * I will also be monitoring peoples memorization!
L EARNING T ARGETS 1. I can recite my entire poem from memory. 2. I can use voice inflection to communicate my speakers emotions. 3. I can annunciate syllables, or choose to speak syllables softly, to help me convey my speakers emotions.
P EER A SSESSING M EMORIZED P OEMS : S HORTEST HAIR G OES F IRST ! Directions : each person should play each role once, then rotate to the next role when the next performer goes up. Role 1: Performer: hand your poem to your peer and take a deep breath. You will be great! Role 2: Prompter: read the poem as the performer says the words out loud. If they skip a word or insert a word, please write a – or + next to that line. If they skip a line, circle it. If they skip a stanza, circle it. Cue them if they need a word or line. Role 3: Rubric Evaluator: use the rubric to evaluate the persons performance. Pay special attention to the way the emotions are conveyed. At the bottom of the rubric, please give feedback that specifically notes which emotions worked well and which emotions could be enhanced or reworked. Role 4: Accuracy Judge: when the person is finished reciting the poem, meet with the prompter. Follow the Accuracy Score Sheet to deduct the appropriate number of points from the number 8. Once all calculations are finished, multiply the number by 2 for a total score out of 16.
Introduce Yourself Title Author Recite Poem