Comm Arts Day 5 Bell Ringer (COMputers are needed today) Please read the FCAS for the introduction paragraph. Then look at the feedback on your formative introduction. Reflect on the next page in your notebook on the feedback. Use the following questions to guide you. What did I do really well? How? What FCA(s) do I need to work on? What am I confused about? (5 mins) If you need to finish your intro, do so at this time.
Learning Goal and Essential Question Learning Goal: Ideas are stronger when supported by sufficient relevant details. Facts can support opinions. Analyze how heroes interact with or impact others and their surroundings in literature and real life. Essential Question: How does a writer know when he has used a sufficient amount of relevant details (facts) to support the main idea (opinion)?
topics in order; numbered: 6 gives overall opinion: 2 =10 pts Conclusion FCAS Conclusion Paragraph restates opinion: 2 topics in order; numbered: 6 gives overall opinion: 2 =10 pts
Concluding Paragraph Therefore, it is very easy to see why you are my hero. No other person has shown the diligence like you or continued their dreams, even when others said they could not do it. I continue to look up to you for inspiration, bravery, and a caring heart. For all of those reasons you are my ultimate hero and always will be. Sincerely, -------------------
How did this paragraph address all the parts of the FCAS? Discuss How did this paragraph address all the parts of the FCAS? What was good? What would you do differently? (2 mins)
Group Practice With your group please practice writing a conclusion about the sport baseball. Use your FCAS. (5 mins)
Formative Conclusion Now we are going to finish reading the letter we received in the mail and practice what the conclusion might look like. To do so, refer back to your introduction for the three traits (topics), your question, and what was your overall opinion. In the conclusion you are answering your question. You will have nine minutes to write your conclusion. Write your conclusion on edmodo.
Exit Ticket (On edmodo) Finish the thought(s)…. One thing I do really well with conclusions or introductions is…. One thing I need to understand before I finish my letter is…. (3 mins)