Software / Web Engineering Projects 2IPE0 2018-2019 Q4 Lou Somers
Today: kick-off General information about the way of working Coupling of groups to cases Start of project…
General information A real project Timing Marking A real customer A team consists of ~ 10 students Separate project and quality manager (students 2IMP15 or student assistants) Each team has a CS staff member as supervisor Timing Available time: 10 ECTS 280 hours per person Start: April 23, 2019 End: July 5, 2019 (hard deadline) Marking General mark for group Individual adjustment (peer reviews by group, managers, supervisor)
Main players Overall SEP coordination Lou Somers Study counselors – admission, professional skills assignments, poster printing Roel Bloo (admission) Elisabeth Melby (professional skills, posters) BCF – project ICT facilities Joe Joe Wong (keyboards, laptop stands, virtual server) Project room facilities Larisa Camfferman (chairs, …) Supervisors – coaching, supervision on projects, marking Huub de Beer, Loek Cleophas, Albert Hofkamp, Ivan Kurtev, Erik Luit (Ion Barosan), Serguei Roubtsov, Erik Scheffers, Alexander Serebrenik, Weslley Silva Torres (Önder Babur), Tom Verhoeff, Nicola Zannone, Gerard Zwaan Customers – external clients with an assignment Project and quality managers – steering a project You
Project organization Each group has a project room Must be kept clean ! Key codes will be arranged in the first week
Documentation According to the ESA standard 5 product documents URD: User Requirements Document SRD: Software Requirements Document ADD: Architectural Design Document SUM: Software User Manual STD: Software Transfer Document 2 test plans: UTP, ATP All documents delivered to customer + SEP coordinator ESA standard is guideline Non applicable sections omitted Examples of documents from previous years are available See also the SEP marking form for more details about the required contents of each document
Project planning 7
Sprint planning 8
Scrum 9
Standup meetings Each team member must be present at the daily standup meetings A student may be granted exemption for attending the standup meetings for one fixed day a week due to other activities. Such an exemption needs to be applied for in advance to the responsible teacher and needs to be motivated. Permission of occasional absence may be granted by the group supervisor or (if needed because of personal circumstances) by the academic advisor. The time of these standup meetings is determined by the group and the project managers, for example before the first morning lecture. The strict attendance requirement does not apply in the last two weeks during the examination period. Missing one meeting without permission will have as a consequence that the student receives an official warning (“yellow card”) After the second missed meeting the student is excluded from the project and cannot pass anymore The project manager keeps track of presence
Assessment / marking Necessary conditions for passing the project: All professional skills assignments are completed One has not been excluded from the project, e.g. because of free-riding, or missing two scrum meetings The mark is calculated as follows: Documents and code delivered by each group are marked using the SEP marking form (see website) A copy of this form will be filled in by at least 2 staff members Code quality is checked by tooling The results will form the main (average) mark for the group The individual contribution of each student is judged based on the peer reviews, held twice during the project. Filled by: The students of the group The project manager and quality manager The supervisor The mark for each student is the result from (1) with a correction [-1,+1] from (2)
Peer reviews Halfway and at the end of the project Use a standard peer evaluation form Available at website At the start of the project: The group defines the characteristics of a “reliable team member” Discuss the notion of “contribution”, “commitment” (inzet) and “reliability” to obtain a common understanding These characteristics should be added to the review form
Other project procedures Review of documents Attention points from checklists Customer involved in: URD, SRD, SUM, and Acceptance Test review Approval signature needed of supervisor and customer Reporting: time metrics (weekly) Every project member keeps track of time spent Exception: project manager and quality manager Time spent and planned for each back log item Some standard items (documentation writing, ...) All user stories as separate item (white index cards in “Scrum and XP from the Trenches”) Collected by project manager Ready every Monday, then sent to SEP coordinator
Time metrics (each week)
Management roles and tasks Project manager / scrum master Planning: chairs planning sessions, stand up meetings, demos and retrospectives Organizes scrum board, keeps back log up to date Reports progress to SEP coordinator: Weekly progress sessions Weekly e-mail metrics (time tracking) Quality engineer / manager Responsible for quality of documents Use marking form as check list Takes care that reviews are held Takes care that a proper testing environment is set up by the group Enforces “continuous testing” approach Organizes peer reviews
Planned meetings Daily standup meetings Total team Headed by project manager Weekly project meetings (sprint planning, demo, retrospective) Preferably also supervisor present Weekly progress meetings Project manager, quality manager and SEP coordinator 15 minutes for each group, Monday Individual meetings of team members and supervisor Two times: halfway the project and near the end General meetings Intermediate presentation Project status Final presentation Presentation + poster For general public (invite: parents, relatives, friends, ….)
Short term work Define project name Establish meeting schedule Contact between group and project manager Contact supervisor Assign tasks and responsibilities Start UR group (2-3 people) Go to customer Ask questions Write iteratively versions of URD Involve customer as much as possible Set up development environment Including configuration management Perform research into technical questions Read about scrum