The Glorious Revolution 1688
Who was the King of England at the time of the Glorious Revolution? King James II
What religion was King James II? Roman Catholic
Why was King James’ religion a problem for members of Parliament and the people of England? They were afraid that he would want to make Catholicism the official religion
What event made Parliament more concerned about England’s future? James II’s wife gave birth to a son who became heir to the English throne and was Catholic
What did Parliament do after the birth of James’ son? They offered the throne to James’ daughter, Mary, and her husband, William.
What did James II do when William of Orange invaded England? He fled to France.
How was the Glorious Revolution a “bloodless revolution”? It was a transfer of power between rulers without fighting or death.
How did the Glorious Revolution ensure that the English monarchy would thereafter be limited in power? Parliament had the power to remove or crown monarchs The monarch was now subject to the rule of law