Stewardship Lesson October 30, 2016 Jay Wolf & Kenny Hoomes
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship I. Honor God with Your Possessions Proverbs 3:9-10
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship “I don’t give 10%, rather I should surrender 100%.” - George Barna
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship I. Honor God with Your Possessions Proverbs 3:9-10 II. Work Hard for What You Get Proverbs 22:29
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship I. Honor God with Your Possessions Proverbs 3:9-10 II. Work Hard for What You Get Proverbs 22:29 III. Live Within Your Means Proverbs 22:7
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship “If your out-go exceeds your income, then your up-keep will be your downfall.” – Jay Wolf
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship I. Honor God with Your Possessions Proverbs 3:9-10 II. Work Hard for What You Get Proverbs 22:29 III. Live Within Your Means Proverbs 22:7 IV. Save Something for a Rainy Day Proverbs 21:20
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship I. Honor God with Your Possessions Proverbs 3:9-10 II. Work Hard for What You Get Proverbs 22:29 III. Live Within Your Means Proverbs 22:7 IV. Save Something for a Rainy Day Proverbs 21:20 V. Use Your Wealth to Help the Poor Proverbs 19:17
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship I. Honor God with Your Possessions Proverbs 3:9-10 II. Work Hard for What You Get Proverbs 22:29 III. Live Within Your Means Proverbs 22:7 IV. Save Something for a Rainy Day Proverbs 21:20 V. Use Your Wealth to Help the Poor Proverbs 19:17 VI. Don’t Let Materialism Blind You to True Riches Proverbs 16:16
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship “Everything in this life will pass, only what’s done for Christ will last.” – R.G. Lee
Stewardship Lesson: Solomon’s Secrets of Successful Stewardship “He who is faithful in little, is also faithful in much.” - Luke 16:10
Stewardship Lesson October 30, 2016 Jay Wolf & Kenny Hoomes