Starter Grab your book. Grab a worksheet from the front table. Answer the question. You have 8 minutes
Insert question here CUBE the question Circle the Command word . Insert question here . Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include CUBE the question
Insert question here CUBE the question Circle the Command word . Insert question here . Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include CUBE the question
Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information . . Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include Describe : Write about what will happen using the information. Explain: Use key science learnt to say why (or how) this will happen.
Insert question here Circle the Command word Underline the key words . Insert question here . Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include You should know these keywords from your lessons. Be sure that you understand what each of these means.
Insert question here Circle the Command word Underline the key words . Insert question here . Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include The gives you the background detail that you may need to use to get full marks.
Insert question here Circle the Command word Underline the key words . Insert question here . Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include Cell cycle DNA copying Mitosis
Model answer When the adriamycin is added it will stop the production of new yeast cells. The reason for this is because the copying of chromosomes is part of the cell cycle. During mitosis, when new cells are made, the DNA that makes up the chromosomes is copied, the nucleus divides and two daughter cells are formed. Adriamycin prevents this from happening, so cell division cannot take place.
It’s not about the topic. Sometimes: CUBE and SORT > actually knowing the material Here’s a physics answer. Student: “But, sir this isn’t a physics class!” Teacher: “You’re learning how to answer questions so shut up.”
CUBE the question Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include
Explain: Use key science learnt to say why (or how) something happens Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include
CUBE the question Circle the Command word Underline the key words Box information Essential SCIENCE to include
What correlation means. Is there a correlation What correlation means. Is there a correlation? Between wearing helmets and deaths. Is it a cause? Change in momentum, force and time of collision
SORT the answer Stop and Sort your answer in your mind Order your answer in linking sentences. Relevant information only!! Tie the answer up. SORT the answer
Model answer There is not a clear correlation as deaths rise when less riders wear helmets, but then deaths continue to rise when riders wear helmets rise again. Helmets do not cause deaths, there may be other reasons e.g. Speed, they just reduce chance if death. Also a helmet increase the time taken for the head to stop in a collision so reducing the force as the momentum is changed more slowly.
2 worksheets. Use the CUBE and SORT method to answer them 2 worksheets. Use the CUBE and SORT method to answer them. Answers are on the back. Don’t check them until you’re finished. You’ll only be cheating yourself.