4 Proofs for the existence of God
Is the Bible the Word of God? Our Apologetic Is the Bible the Word of God? Is Jesus God? Does God Exist? Does Truth Exist?
Conclusion: Therefore B Our syllogism Premise 1: If A then B Premise 2: A Conclusion: Therefore B
1) Cosmological argument Premise 1: Everything that had a beginning had a cause Premise 2: The Universe had a beginning Conclusion: The Universe had a cause
S.U.R.G.E. Second Law of Thermodynamics running out of usable energy Universe is expanding (Red shift) Cant have always been expanding. Radiation afterglow (radiation heat from big bang explosion) Radiation we expect from such an explosion Great Galaxy Seeds very precise temperature variations in the radiation afterglow that allowed galaxies to form in early universe Einstein’s theory of General Relativity Time space and matter are co-relative and must have a beginning
If everything needs a creator who created god?
2) Teleological argument Premise 1: Everything that has a design has a designer Premise 2: The universe has a highly complex design Conclusion: The Universe has a designer
Anthropic principle The Goldilocks Zone Rotation Distance of moon Our galaxy type Size of moon Our position in the galaxy Seismic activity Parent star type Position of Jupiter Age of Parent star Distance of Jupiter Distance from the sun Quantity of sulfur The strong nuclear force coupling constant holds together the particles in the nucleus of an atom. If the strong nuclear force were slightly weaker, multi-proton nuclei would not hold together. Hydrogen would be the only element in the universe. The weak nuclear force coupling constant affects the behavior of leptons. Leptons form a whole class of elementary particles (e.g. neutrinos, electrons, and photons) that do not participate in strong nuclear reactions. The most familiar weak interaction effect is radioactivity, in particular, the beta decay reaction: The ratio of electron to proton mass also determines the characteristics of (he orbits of electrons about nuclei. A proton is 1836 times more massive than an electron. if the electron to proton mass ratio were slightly larger or slightly smaller, again, molecules would not form, and life would be impossible. http://www.reasons.org/articles/design-and-the-anthropic-principle
What about evolution?
Close fisted vs Open fisted issues
What are the Christian views? Strict Creationism God made things as they are now. Theistic Evolution The day may not be 24 hour period Evolution is guided by God New Earth Earth is 6,000 years old Old Earth Earth is over 6,000 years old. Typically 13.6 Billion years old
Macro vs Micro evolution Micro evolution is change within a species Galapagos finches Macro evolution is change from one species to another Never has been observed or even shown within the fossil record. Homology (the similarity between species in structure and DNA) is used to support evolution what are flaws in using this to prove evolution? Common designer
The problems with Naturalism Origin of life Can’t explain complexity Information contained in single cell ameba that Life originated from No way to simulate evolutionary process No lab evidence Fossil record Cambrian explosion Trees not tree
The problem of the origin of life DNA information in the first life Principle of uniformity Chicken and the egg DNA vs Proteins Science is an observation
Problems of Naturalism (nature is all there is) The Laws of Logic Our ability to reason The Laws of Mathematics Information The Law of Causality Beauty Reliability of senses Morality
3) Moral argument Premise 1: Every Law has a Law Giver Premise 2: There is a Universal Moral Law Conclusion: There must be
Problems with Moral Relativism Cannot define culture Cannot improve culture Cannot judge culture
What have we uncovered? Spaceless Intelligent Timeless Uncaused Immaterial Personal Powerful
2) Kalam Cosmological argument Premise 1: If A then B Premise 2: A Conclusion: Therefore B Premise 1: An infinite number of days has no end Premise 2: Today is the last day of History Conclusion: Therefore, there were not an infinite number of days before today. (the universe had a beginning) Domino illustration