Democratic Reform in Britain: Progress Through Evolution


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Presentation transcript:

Democratic Reform in Britain: Progress Through Evolution While the Continent struggled with liberal revolutions during much of the 19th century, Britain avoided revolt by gradually extending the vote.

Great Reform Bill of 1832 reduced property qualifications to enfranchise the middle class, increasing the number of voters from 500,000 to over 800,000 (still only 5% British adult males) Took representation away from many rotten and pocket boroughs Granted representation to many populous industrial cities By these provision the bill shifted control of the House of Commons from the landed aristocracy to the commercial and industrial middle class

The Chartist Movement City workers, not enfranchised by the Reform Bill of 1832, In the “People’s Charter they petitioned the government for Universal manhood suffrage Equal districts The secret ballot Annual elections Removal of property qualifications for members of parliament Salaries for members of Parliament The Chartist movement died out following its failure to secure reforms from parliament in 1848 Subsequently, most Chartist demands were enacted into law

The Reform Bill of 1867 decreased the property qualification for voting thus extending suffrage to better paid workers Reform Bill of 1884 extending the right to vote to agriculture workers Reform Bill of 1918 gave the vote to all men over the age of 21 and to most women over 30 Reform Bill of 1928 gave women over 21 the vote