Advantages… Easy to build…Expandable…Transferable No Heavy Equipment to use Minimum labor force required - average of 6 manpower for a 36 sq mtr house CHB at 300-900 PSI vs Vazbuilt’s 2500- 3500 PSI Fireproof and Termite proof
Earthquake simulated tested exceeding the Phil Building Code requirement More livable space, for every 20sq.m. Footprint = additional 1sq.m. of livable space Smooth finish for BBD panel – no need for plastering Manufactured in a quality controlled environment
Patented Pre-fab Panels Hollow blocks just GOT …THINNER …LONGER …SOLID and STRONGER with VAZBUILT’s Patented Pre-fab Panels
Patented Pre-fab panels vs CHB PG (2.5m) CHB 1 PG (Panel w/ Groove) Panel = 6 CHB Concrete Hollow Block (4”x 8”x 16”) Solid Panel Strength = 2,500 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) Fully reinforced
BBD (Back to Back Design) 2M 0.5M BBD (Back to Back Design) 1 BBD Panel = 12.5 CHB Concrete Hollow Block (4”x 8”x 16”) Solid Panel Strength = 2,500 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) Smooth Finish, paint ready Fully reinforced
(5 hours to construct with a paint-ready finish) VAZBUILT SYSTEM 2 meter height wall by 6 linear meters = 12 panels, 4 posts, 3 tie beams (5 hours to construct with a paint-ready finish) CHB SYSTEM 2 meter height wall by 6 linear meters = 150 CHB, 3 posts, formworks for columns (More than 2 days to construct with a tool-joint finish only)