EMODnet Chemistry 3 Generation of data products in the Baltic Sea Annual meeting, Madrid 29-30 January 2019 xxx Lotta Fyrberg SMHI lotta.fyrberg@smhi.se magnus.wenzer@smhi.se kari.eilola@smhi.se
The Baltic Sea region MSFD border in the sound. 7/25/2019
Unrestricted dataset Data reported as: Depth profiles Pressure profiles Profiles with min and max depth (average) Public dataset for download. //Hose/mixing?// 7/25/2019
Restricted dataset 5183 profiles <3% 7/25/2019
Result of QC (unrestricted data) Values. In one dataset, several spikes, no QC performed. Supplier is notified. 75%. 7/25/2019
ODV file format issues Crucial Mismatch between header and semantic header Missing parameters in header Missing tabs in line (line is discarded) We are getting better! Quality is IMPROVING! Non crucial Old labels: P011, P061 Parameter names (ex EDMO_CODE) Empty columns Missing quality flag column for Depth Incorrect primary variable Header = column water header. Semantic header= metadata. PO1=var; PO6=unit. (I ODV anv PO2). ODV is Case sensative! LOCAL_CDI_ID duplicates 7/25/2019
Issues encountered and QC Errors in file format Wrong primary variable Missing columns in lines Missmatch between header ans semantic header Old vocabulary codes P011 and P061 Check with OCTOPUS! Quality of data Generally very good Some questionable values Depth below station depth (default value?) A lot of CTD profiles had to be discarded (oxygen) in Diva products due to poor quality First feedback was given in Juli 2018. Ongoing communication. Default value=99? Prevent…. 7/25/2019
Diva products ”Old” version of Diva 6-year running mean (MSDF) Ongoing project in OSPAR to look at the quality of the products (how well they represent data) A lot of maps unknown quality (very time consuming to check all) Maps for all levels. 7/25/2019
Future Automated file format checks upon delivery - SDC2 Reduce the number of Diva maps in next phase? To increase quality and have time to describe the response on different settings that can be used in Diva. Suggestion for a reference group in each sea basin to follow work and give feedback to Regional coordinators. Valid products for Chlorophyll (all data 0-10 m/surface layer) Strongly support the idea of an automatic check when supplying data. Ambition; catch all Chl-a data. 7/25/2019
Contaminants Same kind of file format errors Wrong primary variable Missing columns in lines Missmatch between header ans semantic header Old vocabulary codes P011 and P061 QC; Negative values flagged Minor part. 7/25/2019