Replace this text with your name Wow What a 2nd Grade Year! Wow What a 3rd Grade Year! Wow What a 4th Grade Year! Wow What a 5th Grade Year! Replace this text with your name
This year Who was your teacher What room number What other teachers did you have
Activities Did you do any special activities like Academic team, basketball, cheerleading, Musicals, chorus, Girl scouts, Boy Scouts, Girls on the Run,
Specials What were your favorite activities or things your learned in special classes like Art, Music, PE, STEM Lab, Cultural Arts, Library, Computers.
Subject Areas What cool things did you do in your classroom in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies.
Field Trips Tell about the field trips you went on this year.
Assemblies What cool assemblies did you get to go see this year? Tell about them.
Summer Break What plans do you have for your summer break?
Next Year What do you think is going to happen next year for you? What goals do you have for next year?