Who helped to make the beef burger?


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Presentation transcript:

Who helped to make the beef burger?

Who has the best Job? Research jobs on the websites your teacher gives you Find an amazing farm-related job Write a summary of the job: what are the duties, where is it located, what is the pay / benefits, what is amazing about it? You have 10 minutes to find the job and write your summary. Your summary should be no longer than 30 seconds long and be completely factual using information only from the advert Present your summary to the class Who found the best job?

Future Farming There are many challenges facing food production More people to feed; therefore each piece of land needs to produce more food more quickly Climate change: what we grow and where we grow it is changing Need to produce food without harming the environment Fewer well-qualified people entering the industry to solve these problems Watch the “Future of Farming” videos Do you think robots and technological advances are the answer? Will they solve the issue of feeding a growing population in a sustainable way? Are there any costs to using technology, science and robots?