Welcome to Victory Baptist Church
Weekly Worship and Edification Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… Sunday 10-11am: Sunday School for all ages 11am-Noon: Morning Worship Service 6-7pm: Evening Worship Service Tuesday 1pm: Weekly Outreach and Visitation Wednesday 7-8pm: Bible Study and Prayer: The 7 Churches of Revelation Thursday 11am-3pm: Ladies Quilting New
Sunday School Classes – 10am
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith… 10am Adult Sunday School Studying Hebrews A Better Way Learning to Endure Who is Melchizedek and why is he important? Join us Sunday morning to find out! Hebrews Chapter 7 “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…
Ladies Sunday School 10am Sunday Morning Downstairs Studying Ezra and Esther
Outreach and Visitation Tuesdays at 1:00pm See Wendy Maupin for more Details
Ladies Quilting and Crafting Come connect with other women who are committed to learning about God through the Scriptures, praying together, caring for one another, and bonding over God-given hand crafts. It is our desire to help you find friendships with other women and to grow in your life with Christ. Please come and join us! Every Thursday from 11am-3pm
Upcoming Events and Ministry Opportunities
Baby Dedication for Naomi Maupin and Mother’s Day May 12th
Guest Preacher: Matt Booher May 19th – Lunch at Angenos after the service – please sign up If you have a question that you’d to know about whoever we call as our new pastor, then please write it down and put it in the offering plate.
Men’s Fishing Trip to Pastor’s Cabin Please sign up! May 23-25 Picture on left: Davey Buskol He says there are still fish left in the lake.
Victory Baptist Fruit Jar Ministry “Spare change changes lives” The next collection (May 26) will go towards Bill and Mary Horton to help them purchase furniture as they start their new ministry in Brazil. Over the last 3 years, we’ve collected over $3,500! Contact Brother Woody Bridell for more information
All hands on deck! We need your help at Neighborhood Bible Time June 9-14 Sign up to volunteer There are plenty of positions from driving a car to food preparation to activities
Thank you for faithfully supporting Victory Baptist’s Missionaries Please remember to give towards Faith Promise as we seek to support our blessed missionaries around the world Thank you for faithfully supporting Victory Baptist’s Missionaries
In Love, Word & Deed is a local ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel through providing donated food and clothing to the poor and homeless in the Twin Cities area. Victory Baptist Church has a donation barrel downstairs if you are interested in donating gently used clothing, sheets, blankets, socks, hats, and mittens. If you are interested in donating your time then head to www.ilwd.org for more information on dates, times, and events. For more information, call: 612.567.7593 or email: info@ilwd.org
September 13-15 October 25-27 SAVE THE DATES Put these dates in your calendars now and it’s never to soon to start spreading the word!
Looking For Mowers! If you like spending a few hours outdoors on a Friday or Saturday, then please sign up to mow the church’s lawn – it’s a real blast!