Finding useful Brexit information on the Parliament website Eleanor Gadd Research Librarian (International Affairs and Defence Section) House of Commons Library 20 November 2017 EUDUG meeting
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Brexit: Next steps of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU Click on Parliamentary business tab Under Brexit Research and analysis click on the link to next steps of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU
Brexit: next steps in UK's withdrawal from the EU Brings together research and analysis from Parliament's libraries and committees on how leaving the EU will affect different policy areas in the UK Option to subscribe to email alerts
The Commons Library and its research service Click on MPs, Lords and Offices tab then Parliamentary Offices Select commons offices then Commons Library
The Commons Library and its research service Briefing papers by date, subject and topic Can follow the Commons Library on Twitter @commonslibrary Subscribe to the Second Reading blog Commons Library blog More detailed questions can be sent to the House of Commons Enquiry Service
Deposited Papers Go to A-Z on Parliament website, look up deposited papers Users can search by year, date range, deposited by and house Some UK position papers have been deposited as DEPs (Deposited Papers are placed in the Commons or Lords libraries by a government minister, the Speaker of the Commons or the Lord Speaker. The series of Deposited Papers began in 1832 and are not presented or laid formally before Parliament. Members of the public can view Deposited Papers online or receive copies of the papers by contacting the Parliamentary Archives.)
Hansard Click Parliamentary business then Hansard
Bills before Parliament Click parliamentary business then bills and legislation Then bills before parliament Informative A-Z list detailing stages of a bill, amendments and Library briefing papers on the bill
Select Committee publications Click on Parliamentary business, then publications and records then committee publications