Enhancing Teacher Professionalism PROFESSIONAL VALUES “Scotland has an historic high regard for learning, education and teachers, and the trust it invests in teachers’ professional judgment is an admirable counterbalance to the trends in many Western countries which have seen the status of teachers and teaching decline in past decades” (OECD, 2014; Schleicher, 2015)
ENHANCING TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM Professional Values booklet Download a Professional Values booklet Download a Professional Values coaching wheel: Social justice Integrity Trust and respect Personal commitment
Help inform practice and professional actions PURPOSE This resource can be used by school leaders, groups of teachers or individuals to; Explore the Professional Values which are at the core of the Standards and are reflected through professional relationships and practices. Explore and support the connection between Professional Values and practice which underpin teacher professionalism and teacher identity. Help inform practice and professional actions
PURPOSE This resource is not intended to be completed in one session but instead each section can be used as a stand alone resource to help you explore your values in the following areas Reflective questions around Professional Values Professional Values in policy Professional Values in the Professional Standards How do Professional Values underpin my practice as a teacher? How do Professional Values help my professionalism and teacher identity? Using a coaching wheel to self evaluate my practice
PROFESSIONAL VALUES The Professional Values are at the core of the Standards. The same Professional Values are reflected across the Standards and are relevant to all registered teachers regardless of post. Professional Values are complex and they work to shape who we are as Professionals.
PROFESSIONAL VALUES The Professional Values are demonstrated through all our professional relationships, thinking and practices. The connections between Professional Values and practices need to be regularly considered. This is an important part of being a critically reflective and enquiring professional
Professional Values booklet ? Professional Values booklet To get you started If you asked your students to write down 5 words describing how it feels to be in your classroom, what would they write down?
PROFESSIONAL VALUES These words reflect the impact of your Professional Values on your students
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EXPLORE? Reflective questions around Professional Values Professional Values in policy Professional Values in the Professional Standards How do Professional Values underpin my practice as a teacher? How do Professional Values help my professionalism and teacher identity? Using a coaching wheel to self evaluate my practice
How do Professional Values support my professionalism and teacher identity?
? TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY Why are Professional Values important as an aspect of teacher professionalism and teacher identity? ? Share OR Professional Values booklet
Know why, know what, know how TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY Professional Values underpins teacher professionalism and teacher identity which guides teachers to: Know why, know what, know how
Teacher professionalism is important because: TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY Professional Values underpins teacher professionalism and teacher identity. Teacher professionalism is important because: Teachers play a crucial role in children’s learning to help them achieve positive outcomes, thrive and flourish in life
Teacher professionalism is important because: TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY Professional Values underpins teacher professionalism and teacher identity. Teacher professionalism is important because: The quality of teachers & school leadership are the most important in-school factors on children’s outcomes
Teacher professionalism is important because: TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY Professional Values underpins teacher professionalism and teacher identity. Teacher professionalism is important because: Teacher professionalism is a key driver in policy to an excellent and equitable education system for all
TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY Professional Values underpins teacher professionalism and teacher identity. Teacher professionalism must be absolutely focused on promoting, developing and reinvesting in the teacher professional capital.
? TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY If I was to walk into your classroom, what would I see, hear, feel that would show your Professional Values in action? ? Share OR Professional Values booklet
TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM AND TEACHER IDENTITY? How do your Professional Values shape your practice? How do your Professional Values shape your teacher identity? How do your Professional Values link to your professionalism?
PROFESSIONAL VALUES Discussion GTC Scotland 31 July 2019
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EXPLORE? Reflective questions around Professional Values Professional Values in policy Professional Values in the Professional Standards How do Professional Values underpin my practice as a teacher? How do Professional Values help my professionalism and teacher identity? Using a coaching wheel to self evaluate my practice
Professional Values in the Professional Standards
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS The General Teaching Council of Scotland are the guardians of the Professional Standards for teachers in Scotland
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS There are three professional standards which map out a teachers journey Click here to see the Teacher Journey page on the GTCS website
Professional Values booklet REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS? What are the Professional Values in the Professional Standards and what do they mean to me as a professional? Share OR Professional Values booklet
What are the Professional Values in the Professional Standards? REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS? What are the Professional Values in the Professional Standards? The same Professional Values underpin all of the Standards Social justice Integrity Trust and respect Personal commitment
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS Social Justice Integrity Trust and Respect Personal commitment
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS SOCIAL JUSTICE Is a commitment to the principles of fair, transparent, inclusive and sustainable policies and practices in relation to: age, disability, gender and gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion and belief and sexual orientation. It is about valuing and respecting social, cultural and ecological diversity and demonstrating a commitment to engaging learners in real world issues. It is about respecting the rights of all learners as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and embracing educational and social Professional Values of sustainability, equality and justice.
LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PROFESSIONAL VALUES EXPRESSED IN POLICY? MY PRACTICE What does social justice actually look like in my classroom/daily interactions with pupils/colleagues/school community? Are my own practices and assumptions inclusive? How do I know? Am I aware of the inequalities that might exist in my context, what challenges do these bring? What small changes in practice might I be able to make to overcome these challenges? LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABILITY What does Learning for Sustainability (LFS) mean in practice? PARTNERSHIP WORKING Who can I work in partnership with to address social justice? FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING What professional learning or professional reading might I undertake?
COACHING WHEEL You may want to explore your value of social justice using a coaching wheel, A COACHING WHEEL A Coaching Wheel is a valuable tool for supporting self-evaluation, exploring current reality and helping you to critically reflect on yourself as a professional and your practice. A coaching wheel and reflection table can help you to create clarity about the areas you wish to focus on, and to perform a simple gap analysis about where you are is now, and where you would like to be. You may use this independently or as part of a structured coaching discussion.
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS INTEGRITY Is about demonstrating openness, honesty, courage and wisdom and critically examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs. It is about challenging assumptions and professional practices to effect improvement and to bring about transformative change.
FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PROFESSIONAL VALUES EXPRESSED IN POLICY? MY PRACTICE How open am I to questioning and changing my practices and thinking about my assumptions? How confident do I feel in addressing issues of integrity with others (or with myself)? What challenges might I face in doing this? Are there any small changes to my practice I might be able to make? How do I feel when I come across reading or evidence that contradicts my position or practice? Why do I think like that? PARTNERSHIP WORKING Who can I work in partnership with to expand my thinking around integrity? What could I do with colleagues to help us develop the way we work together? FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING What professional learning or professional reading might I undertake? Have a look at the questions in the blue box and think about your context and what these mean to you Again there are coaching wheels Interactions I am not sure I have ever been challenges openly I have never really considered what assumptions I make I am doing a postgraduate, I find that I am learning to be more critical of myself and others practice. It is difficult to challenge colleagues, it can feel like you are attacking them personally What is the person is a head teacher? We did something on critical reading in ITE but would like to know more You may want to explore a coaching wheel to self evaluate your value of integrity by clicking here
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS TRUST AND RESPECT Is about acting and behaving in ways that develop a culture of trust and respect through, for example, being trusting and respectful of others within the school. It is providing safe and secure environment for all learners within a caring and compassionate ethos and with an understanding of wellbeing and demonstrating a commitment to motivating and inspiring all learners.
FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PROFESSIONAL VALUES EXPRESSED IN POLICY? MY PRACTICE What does that actually look like in my classroom/daily interactions with pupils/colleagues/school community? Do I actively trust and respect others knowledge and actions? How does that impact on the relationship I have with them? How might I interact differently with some people? What difference might this make? Who do I find it challenging (students/ colleague) to support? Why is that? PARTNERSHIP WORKING Who can I work in partnership with to expand my thinking around trust and respect? What could I do with colleagues to help us develop the way we work together? FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING What professional learning or professional reading might I undertake? Have a look at the questions in the blue box and think about your context and what these mean to you Again there are coaching wheels Interactions Trust is hard when someone has let you down or you are new or you don’t feel like you are supported As teachers (most) children trust us implicitly – this is a position of power Head teachers do not always trust teachers to do the right thing You may want to explore a coaching wheel to self evaluate your value of integrity by clicking here
PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT Is about engaging with all aspects of professional practice and working collegiately with all members of our educational communities and showing a committing to lifelong enquiry, learning, professional development and leadership as core aspects of professionalism and collaborative practice.
FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PROFESSIONAL VALUES EXPRESSED IN POLICY? MY PRACTICE What does that actually look like in my classroom/daily interactions with pupils/colleagues/school community? What does effective collaborative working look like? Is there anything I might do differently to promote and support collaborative working? Do I understand what enquiry means in practice? What would this look like for me? PARTNERSHIP WORKING Who can I work in partnership with to expand my thinking around personal commitment? What could I do with colleagues to help us develop the way we work together? FURTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING What professional learning or professional reading might I undertake? You may want to explore a coaching wheel to self evaluate your value of integrity by clicking here
PROFESSIONAL READING Professional Values from the Leadership and Management Learning Centre on the GTCS website: SOCIAL JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND INCLUSION IN SCOTTISH EDUCATION This paper discusses social justice, equality and inclusion through the lens of social marginalisation LEADING OUT LOUD Although this article is aimed at leaders, anyone can use the themes in this article to help them dig deeper into their own Professional Values. ETHICAL INTELLIGENCE Interesting book review all about ethical intelligence understanding the principles and using ethical intelligence with the people you work with. KNOW YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF. Bring you’re a game and your authentic self, a balance of the personal you and the professional you. COLLABORATING FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE? Explores the limits and possibilities of partnership working THE LOUDEST DUCK The author argues that companies fail when they try to embrace diversity because they do not take account of unconscious beliefs of the workforce SOCIAL JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND INCLUSION IN SCOTTISH EDUCATION This paper discusses social justice , equality and inclusion through the lens of social marginalisation
PROFESSIONAL VALUES Discussion GTC Scotland 31 July 2019
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EXPLORE? Reflective questions around Professional Values Professional Values in policy Professional Values in the Professional Standards How do Professional Values underpin my practice as a teacher? How do Professional Values help my professionalism and teacher identity? Using a coaching wheel to self evaluate my practice
How do Professional Values underpin my practice as a teacher?
HOW DO PROFESSIONAL VALUES UNDERPIN MY PRACTICE AS A TEACHER? Teacher professionalism is about teachers putting the Professional Values at the heart of everything they do. Being a teacher begins and ends with the Professional Values and how these are brought to life in through teachers practice.
HOW DO PROFESSIONAL VALUES UNDERPIN MY PRACTICE AS A TEACHER? Professional Values are developed, deepened and challenged throughout a teacher’s professional career.
HOW DO PROFESSIONAL VALUES UNDERPIN MY PRACTICE AS A TEACHER? Professional Values encourage teachers to ask critical questions about policies and practices and to examine their attitudes and beliefs
HOW DO PROFESSIONAL VALUES UNDERPIN MY PRACTICE AS A TEACHER? Professional Values have a positive impact on students through teachers gaining skills and knowledge and developing their critical thinking and decision making skills
HOW DO PROFESSIONAL VALUES UNDERPIN MY PRACTICE AS A TEACHER? Think of an example when your or someone else’s Professional Values were challenged Share OR Professional Values booklet
HOW DO PROFESSIONAL VALUES UNDERPIN MY PRACTICE AS A TEACHER? What was the impact? What did you learn about your Professional Values from this experience? Think of an example when your Professional Values were challenged
UNDERSTANDING INEQUALITY PROFESSIONAL VALUES IN THE STANDARDS FURTHER READING There are also a number of ebooks available and education journals relevant to the key areas of the Professional Values, you may wish to view: UNDERSTANDING INEQUALITY ETHICS AND EDUCATION
PROFESSIONAL VALUES Discussion GTC Scotland 31 July 2019
Contacts Website www.GTCS.org.uk Email GTCS@GTCS.org.uk Twitter @GTCS PROFESSIONAL VALUES Contacts Website www.GTCS.org.uk Email GTCS@GTCS.org.uk Twitter @GTCS GTC Scotland 31 July 2019