Test Notes: 1. You must take the test with class you are registered for. 2. Test is 65-70% multiple choice. 3. Test covers Chapters 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. 4. The following sections were skipped or those with a ‘q’ were covered qualitatively. 20-6q,7,8,9q,10 21-3,5q,6,8,9,10,11,12,13 22-1q,4,5,6,7 23-3,10 You are responsible for the sections marked with a ‘q’ which were covered qualitatively. For example, you should know how the following things work but you will not have to do numerical problems: generator, motor, torque on current loop and force between wires carrying a current. 5. The equation list is on the last page. I may add additional equations if I think it is necessary.
You may not leave the room until 20 minutes after for any reason No calculators with physics formulas Look for corrections on the board There will be three or four different versions labeled A, B, C or D. on the front page of each test. Be sure to put the version letter on the scantron. Spread out as much as possible Test solutions will be posted on the web. I hope to return the test by Friday. Each class will have a different colored test that includes two sheets of scratch paper Students in the 9:30am class will exit through the door in the front of the room. They must also hand in all scratch paper with their test. The list of equations on the next page will be provided.
C = K 0 ( A / d ) 1/2= 0.693 RC.