Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Daily Oral Language Week 3
Sentence 1 Choose the correct word in parentheses. the therapists will (teach, learn) the patients how to balance so they (can, may) (teach, learn) how to walk again. (can, may) the therapists help so many children
Sentence 2 Choose the correct word in parentheses. if your parents will (let, leave) you join us, you may (sit, set) your bags on the floor by the door. did your parents say you (can, may) go swimming with the georges
Sentence 3 Choose the correct word in parentheses. mom (can, may) i (sit, set) on the new recliner requested terry. if you (let, leave) me, ill (sit, set) my book bag on the floor
Sentence 4 Choose the correct word in parentheses. first you must hang up youre coat and book bag, (than, then) you (can, may) watch youre show. hey dont (sit, set) your boots on the sofa. you no better (than, then) that
Sentence 5 Choose the correct word in parentheses. (their, they’re, there) not going to find (your, you’re) note if you (sit, set) it (their, they’re, there). if you get some tape you (can, may) hang it by the door