Social Justice Redressing the situation whereby people with fewer choices ( normally the poor and disadvantaged ) often suffer the most from discrimination (e.g. race, gender, age, etc ) and a lack of acknowledgement of their human rights and access to services ( e.g. health and educational ) and infrastructure (e.g. water, housing, etc )
Environmental Justice The right to a safe, healthy, productive and sustainable environment
Environmental Justice
Poverty Being poor Having little money or few possessions Not having enough money for the basic things that people need to live properly
Volunteerism Working on behalf of others without payment for your time and services Performing an act of kindness Freely giving of your talent, time and effort WHAT DO YOU DO?
Civic Life Relating to citizenship or being a citizen Civic life is the public life of the citizen concerned with the affairs of the community and nation as contrasted with private or personal life.
Civic Life
An active civic life recognizes that the task of creating, sustaining, and improving our communities and democratic institutions is not confined to the classroom or the boardroom; the town hall or the town square; the soapbox or the ballot box.
Social Thinking Skills Skills that enable you to consider the views of others To understand how to behave in society And to express care and concern to others WHO HAS SOCIAL THINKING SKILLS? GIVE AN EXAMPLE FROM YOUR LIFE