Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) Next Steps…
Evaluation System Jane Ann
What are Slos? SLOs are a general approach (often called Student Growth Objectives) whereby educators establish goals for individual or groups of students (often in conjunction with administrators) and then evaluate the extent to which the goals have been achieved. Jane Ann
WSD Slo Document – Learning Goal Jane Ann - In order to support your role as a building administrator (with the responsibility of approving SLOs), we are providing a quality tool that will ensure each SLO is of appropriate rigor and depth to demonstrate student growth. The format is similar to the PLC Planning Template we’ve demonstrated previously.
WSD Slo Document - Assessment Sheri - These will be developed by the writing teams – beginning with junior high Social Studies and high school U.S. History. We will be asking for you to send one teacher representative from each applicable subject area to support this process.
WSD SLO document - Assessment Sheri - Expected targets can be modified during the mid-year conference based on the progress of the students.
WSD Slo document – Curriculum & Instruction Sheri - Productive Collaborative Work – what does it look like? What does the accountability portion look like? We will be having further PD – most likely will be the October focus. Refer to article…
WSD Slo document - differentiation Sheri - Collaborative work adequately addresses differentiation. This isn’t like the “old group projects from college.”
Wsd slo document – Reflection & data analysis Sheri
Next steps… April 24, 2014 & May 1, 2014– Work groups begin (Junior High School Social Studies and High School U.S. History teachers) Send teacher names to Jamie by Friday, April 11, 2014 – one per course Pilot in Fall, 2014 We will also be working with K-2 teachers this summer developing SLOs (using DIBELS, Math benchmarks & writing) Further development of other course SLOs in NTSGs. Jane Ann